Independent/individual testing can give viewers a glimpse of how products work by design, and can also help identify bugs and issues within the product, as well as short comings in protection, when approached correctly.
- Gathered samples need vetted for age, working correctly "non corrupted", and more importantly, whether it is in the wild.
-self coded samples work as well when the user doing so has enough knowledge to do do so, and understands the difference between "proof of concept" and actual threats.
The problem is, most YouTube testers can care less about testing properly, and are only concerned about pushing videos out fast enough to keep that traffic flowing. They do not take time to become intimate with the product, nor its ability to run and test properly in a containment, including issues with cloud assisted products.
They use large amounts of files to test with, and from experience, knowing they can not vet that many samples and push out a video in the same day, let alone several a week.
All this said, independent testing allows the tester to wrap the test around the product instead of having a "one size fits all methodology", which will produce more accurate results as opposed to the latter method.