- Apr 3, 2024
- 3
i want to choose one and use them for montly cleanup of my home and work pc so what is the most effective tool with no hidden logging or shady things
so far did you face any system failure?slow down bsod not responsive software,corrupting os? is it really safe for everyday cleanup?cleanup !!! once a month !
I do a cleanup every day with PrivaZer
cleanup !!! once a month !
I do a cleanup every day with PrivaZer
between privazer and bleachbit which one is the most complete and safer for cleanupPersonal Choice :
PrivaZer : trusted company, windows deep cleaned
Bleachbit : don't like the UI, otherwise good cleaner
PrivacyEraserPro : Sometimes right clic for erase files or folders cause a completly freeze.
Nice Challenger : WiseDiskCleaner and HibitUninstaller
Avoid Ccleaner : Don't trust company since several years now, before it was ok.
While I joked about throwing the drive in the microwave above i was not joking about these applications being aggressive and chancing damaging legitimate system/files.between privazer and bleachbit which one is the most complete and safer for cleanup