block scripts ver 1.3.118 seems to work ok, and safer way to surf until you get to a page that needs scripts and you understand what you're doing. BUT annoyance for me. I see the notification that scripts are blocked, and I right click the notification and it pops down as white or transparent, and too often the webpage background is white and I cannot see the options in the popdown. This happens most of the time. Seems like an easy fix, but wonder if this is just me as it should have been noticed by developers or other users long ago. I went to the Brave community forum to make a suggestion to fix, and that was its own little nightmare of BS, my draft post was deleted after typing out a description of the problem because they required a "tag" and rather than letting me add a tag, my draft was deleted. Very rare for me to redo my work or typing, so I logged out, and unlikely I'll return. I get to rant here. If you like Brave and know how to give them feedback, please ask them to fix this. or why not feedback selection in the "about."