I don't, however you should be aware that there are many open issues and the dev hasn't been active on GitLab for many months. See post #190 above.Anyone knows how to make Clearurls work on amazon.de?
One bug fix in a very long time ... doesn't seem like much. I'm using Adguard URL Tracking list and Actually Legitimate URL Shortener Tool lists in µBO.I see his activity stated as two days ago: Kevin R.
Correct.I have Adguard for Windows and its browser assistant, but I like to stick with ClearURLs's function.
You mean this setting below?
Make sure that ClearURLs always is the first-installed extension, e.g. then µBO, etc., otherwise it may not function correctly.Update: With Edge Dev version, ClearURLs works correctly at Amazon.de
You can just enable it in uBlock Origin (or AdGuard) under privacy:Adguard's remove URL parameter filter has rules for Amazon with an asterix for country code, so this should work for Amazon.de also.
Just enable this list in Adguard or add it to uBlockOrigin: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/A...aster/filters/filter_17_TrackParam/filter.txt
Also, ClearURLs received very minor update:![]()
@Kevin@KevinRoebert · 1 week ago
Hi. Yes, the project is still maintained by me. As already mentioned in other issues, I don't have so much time at the moment. But from February 2022, I have much more time again. At the latest, then I will add the whitelist feature to ClearURLs.
The rules will, of course, be maintained as well. Anyone who wants to help can take an issue and create a merge request for it in the rules repo. I will try to review the MR as soon as possible and merge it into the master.
I am happy about any help, especially with maintaining the already slightly expanded rules catalog.
Enjoy!Latest version
Version 1.22.0
Released Dec 28, 2021 - 828.84 KB
Works with firefox 55.0 and later, android 48.0 and later
- Added Korean translation by @hellojaccc
- Added Thai translation by @ammaneena
- Added Slovenian translation by @betterwebleon
- Added `method` filtering to rule catalogs. Thanks to @lifegpc. Closes #948.
- Updated jQuery to 3.6.0
- Updated Spanish translation by Sergio
- Updated Hungarian translation by krolli
- Updated Italian translation by Gioxx
- Updated Dutch translation by Harm and Heimen
- Updated Polish translation by Mble
- Updated Portuguese translation by Lalocas and Geraldo
- Updated Turkish translation by Ümit
- Updated Chinese (traditional) translation by 1304274443
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation by Eric
- Replaced deprecated `extension.getURL` by `runtime.getURL
"AdGuard URL Tracking filter" and "Actually Legitimate URL Shortener filter" would be the best alternatives to ClearURLs as far as I am aware. The AdGuard filter is also available in uBlock Origin. The second one I mentioned is by default only available in AdGuard adblocker.Is this extension something that can be replaced by anything, like uBo filters mentioned or a greasyfork script, or is there really no adequate replacement?
"AdGuard URL Tracking filter" and "Actually Legitimate URL Shortener filter" would be the best alternatives to ClearURLs as far as I am aware. The AdGuard filter is also available in uBlock Origin. The second one I mentioned is by default only available in AdGuard adblocker.
Some opinions on Reddit:
Some opinions on Reddit:
ClearURLs still offers a wider variety of rules compared to the lists mentioned above but if you actually need another extension because of that is questionable in my opinion.