I would not be so cruel for AV scoring tests. Some AVs are scoring very well (and some poor) on many different tests over a couple of years. So, for those AVs is very improbable, that it was by chance.
But, I agree that from looking at the results of the one concrete test, nothing interesting can be concluded.
Personally, on my computers I use Defender + hardening, so it is crucial for me to learn its strong and weak points. I think that posting the paen of prise on Defender would be stupid.
Anyway, I like the fact that Defender security is improving.
Microsoft uses "new & improved" Windows 10 security mostly as a marketing gimmick for people to upgrade from no longer supported versions. Microsoft is way behind in security in some respects, at par in some respects, and ahead in some respects. The whole thing just seems weirdly incorporated into Windows from the user's perspective - especially the Exploit Guard. Lots of quirkiness.