- Content source
- https://9to5mac.com/2023/05/11/twitter-encrypted-dms-3/
Twitter encrypted DMs have officially launched – but only between paid users, and the security feature doesn’t yet live up to Musk’s promise to use end-to-end (E2E) encryption for full privacy.
The company acknowledges this in a support document, and even Musk himself says you shouldn’t trust it.

About Encrypted Direct Messages – DMs | Twitter Help
Twitter seeks to be the most trusted platform on the internet, and encrypted Direct Messages are an important part of that.
Currently, we do not offer protections against man-in-the-middle attacks. As a result, if someone–for example, a malicious insider, or Twitter itself as a result of a compulsory legal process--were to compromise an encrypted conversation, neither the sender or receiver would know.