Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that all promo codes will remain active. Some offers have a short validation period and expire.
Yes you can. I tried it and it works for antivirus also.Can I use that key to activate Antivirus (downgrade)?
Yes you can. I tried it and it works for antivirus also.
That was because they blacklisted those keys/activation codes. It has always been that an ESET Nod32 AV license will only work for EAV and a Smart Security license will activate both EAV & ESSBut what updates? As I remember there was a German promo for 1 year eset antivirus. With those keys you could activate eset smart too. But while updating virus signature base it showed invalid username/password.
That was because they blacklisted those keys/activation codes. It has always been that an ESET Nod32 AV license will only work for EAV and a Smart Security license will activate both EAV & ESS
Если истек, то я не могу ничего сделать, чтобы помочь извинитеВ 3 ( третьем ) окне 3, Код Активации Есет, появляется надпись ;
Бу serinumaranın geçelilik süresi dolmuş! Подскажите Где и Как можно активировать код, что прислали на почту( по ссылке не активирует) . Спасибо.
Если истек, то я не могу ничего сделать, чтобы помочь извините
Кстати, мы должны использовать английский в форумах теперь
We have to use english here though.
can help if you only understand russian.
What do you mean by the activator? Like to activate the key?Thank you to everyone who helped. BUT How and Where ?, find the activator.
Welcome to MT"There was an error registering your serial number. Please contact support"
Unfortunately these have to be activated from where they were generated.The codes will not activate from within the program either.The only way (legitimate) is to activate them from the link provided in the OP or a similar link for that region.By activation I mean converting them to a Username & Password.Once converted the will activate the software by selecting "Activate with a Username and Password""There was an error registering your serial number. Please contact support"
Yes this proves my point that the giveaway is no longer activeUnfortunately these have to be activated from where they were generated.The codes will not activate from within the program either.The only way (legitimate) is to activate them from the link provided in the OP or a similar link for that region.By activation I mean converting them to a Username & Password.Once converted the will activate the software by selecting "Activate with a Username and Password"