- Dec 12, 2016
- 1,888
showcasing how extensions can add a lot of added detection against phishing with all pishing links in the video detected by category blocking as the only link not detected was a false positive at 6:55 (there is zero phishing tech in checkpoint extension that wasn't showcased as everything was blocked purely by category blocking )
note checkpoint and symantec have been configured and aren't in default config (changes are mainly added categories )
extensions used in the test :
checkpoint Serious Discussion - [Extension]Checkpoint harmony web protection
symantec Symantec Browser Protection - Chrome Web Store
trafficlight TrafficLight - Chrome Web Store
microsoft Microsoft Defender Browser Protection - Chrome Web Store
feeds used for the test :
performance related data (symantec isnt popular enough to get tested by debug bear lookup and only an older version of checkpoint extension was tested by debug bear )

Chrome Extension Performance Lookup
Look up how the top 5000 Chrome extensions affect page load performance.

idle usage (symantec , checkpoint services running with zero cpu usage and around 30mb+ ram each )

possible configs
[ page loading metric used is subjective and based on my personal experience with checkpoint set to background mode in URL filtering so pages load first and then checked ]
for max detection use all extensions above (slower page loading
for balanced use Symantec , Microsoft and checkpoint (slightly slower to somewhat slower and recommended by me )
for fast page loading and low false postives use checkpoint and Microsoft (shouldn't feel a difference)
for low ram option use trafficlight and Microsoft (slightly slower page loading )
for low ram and fast page loading as well as low false positives use Microsoft only (shouldn't feel a difference)
anyone doing a similar test please use aa419 - Fake Sites Database and some new pishing links as its easy to get good detection against openpish free feed , other some free feeds
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