Switch Chrome to Firefox - reason is unique ID (privacy isn't crime

I don't do much testing because I don't have time, but since I have only free Sandboxie, I've decided to enhance my security.
My priority is performance and fast response on USB.
By performance I don't mean low ram usage but responsiveness,
ability to disable AV to interfere with data steams so it doesn't extend extracting/compressing and copy time by scanning unnecessary trusted archives, files and folders.
For that reason I'm often forced to uninstall AV, witch makes me quite vulnerable.
Since I know there are experts on MT that usually test security solutions and from experience
know how certain products behave and performance impact they leave on PC,
I'd ask you to help me decide my perfect solution.
Thank you.
Also considering backup tool with good balance between speed and compression. Acronis, Paragon or something else?