The ga_client_id is a variable. They use cookies to assign this value and append the data Struppigel displayed at the end of the installer. If you’ve cleared the cookies or if you are using anti-tracking software, it’s possible that the ga_client_id will change and from there, the whole hash will be different.
In addition, these cookies may only be valid for certain period of time.
I tried clearing my cookies and the variable changed, a totally different client ID was generated.
Struppigel nailed it. They do utm tagging on the frontpage downloads and if you want the installer that matches the checksum get it from the change list page.
Hi all, The version which is available to download from the main page is patched with utm tags. The original installer is available at the change list page and its hash is equal to the one we publish. Best, Katie
Can confirm. The latest installer on the GlassWire Change Log list (not the main download page) is indeed signed, and the SHA-256 hash matches up correctly.
Mystery solved. And boy was it a doozy. Those GW devs really wanted things to look a bit shady. They’re marketing a product to security conscious and IT-literate users, and expect them not to match up the hash?