2.Now copy and paste it into the field" [B]Voucher[/B] "the promotional code" [B][SIZE=5]vaccinetrial[/SIZE][/B] ", apply it by pressing" [B]the Apply[/B] " and click on " [B]Checkout[/B] ".
3.Copy and save the activation code on your computer.
4.Confirm the email address in the email you received.
5. Download Heimdal Thor Premium Home (English program) and start the installation: Operating system support: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / Server 2008 | 2012 R2 [B]5[/B] . Select " [B]I want to activate Thor HOME / ENTERPISE[/B] " and activate the received key. [B]6[/B] . Complete the installation of the program and use a reliable security tool for 3 years.