Hello Slawek alias
It's a pleasure to welcome you now as a fellow member to this favorite site which for many, including myself, has made a significant difference in ways which include having an optimally performing computer system.
Each member comes here with at least one computer system which in turn connects us by way of the tides of an often misunderstood virtual ocean we call the internet. Malware Tips has arisen as a shining beacon upon these same treacherous seas, where exerienced staff members & knowleadgeable members bring us into a safe harbor by separating the myth from the fact, and ensuring none shall fall into the gaping jaws of a crytolocker beast or other such
virtual monster! As each & every member here, you bring your own unique life experience, insight, and knowledge, and this is just another reason Malware Tips is a true resource treasury that's a lot of fun too!
Thanks for being a part of the friendly revolution, and welcome aboard Mate!