ZAM.exe, 0xde0000, 17,39 MB, ZAM
advapi32.dll, 0x75cc0000, 496 kB, Geavanceerde Windows 32 basis-API
bcd.dll, 0x66c30000, 84 kB, BCD DLL
bcryptprimitives.dll, 0x74820000, 336 kB, Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
cfgmgr32.dll, 0x762a0000, 240 kB, Configuration Manager DLL
clbcatq.dll, 0x76210000, 564 kB, COM+ Configuration Catalog
combase.dll, 0x768f0000, 1,49 MB, Microsoft COM voor Windows
comctl32.dll, 0x744f0000, 2,02 MB, Bibliotheek met elementen voor gebruikerservaring
comctl32.dll.mui, 0xa80000, 12 kB, Bibliotheek met elementen voor gebruikerservaring
comdlg32.dll, 0x76040000, 620 kB, DLL voor gedeelde dialoogvensters
crypt32.dll, 0x76df0000, 1,53 MB, Crypto-API32
cryptbase.dll, 0x74880000, 40 kB, Base cryptographic API DLL
devobj.dll, 0x743f0000, 132 kB, Device Information Set DLL
dhcpcsvc.dll, 0x6c120000, 80 kB, DHCP Client-service
dnsapi.dll, 0x6d2b0000, 504 kB, API DLL van DNS Client
dsrole.dll, 0x67470000, 32 kB, DS Setup Client DLL
Faultrep.dll, 0x742f0000, 372 kB, DLL-bestand van crashrapporten voor Windows Gebruikersrapporten
fltLib.dll, 0x70430000, 32 kB, Filterbibliotheek
gdi32.dll, 0x76ba0000, 1,06 MB, GDI Client DLL
iertutil.dll, 0x70440000, 2,2 MB, Runtime-hulpprogramma voor Internet Explorer
imagehlp.dll, 0x762e0000, 80 kB, Windows NT Image Helper
imm32.dll, 0x75d40000, 156 kB, Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL
kernel.appcore.dll, 0x74350000, 36 kB, AppModel API Host
kernel32.dll, 0x75f00000, 1,25 MB, DLL-bestand voor Windows NT BASE API-client
KernelBase.dll, 0x76ac0000, 860 kB, DLL-bestand voor Windows NT BASE API-client
KEYCRY~3.DLL, 0x66bf0000, 96 kB, Zemana AntiLogger Free
locale.nls, 0x20000, 504 kB,
msasn1.dll, 0x75d70000, 56 kB, ASN.1 Runtime APIs
msctf.dll, 0x76590000, 1,07 MB, DLL-bestand voor MSCTF-server
msvcrt.dll, 0x767c0000, 780 kB, Windows NT CRT DLL
netapi32.dll, 0x74160000, 76 kB, Net Win32 API DLL
netutils.dll, 0x740f0000, 40 kB, Net Win32 API Helpers DLL
nsi.dll, 0x763c0000, 28 kB, NSI User-mode interface DLL
ntdll.dll, 0x770a0000, 1,43 MB, DLL-bestand voor NT-laag
ntdll.dll, 0x7ffb6e600000, 1,68 MB, DLL-bestand voor NT-laag
ntmarta.dll, 0x742c0000, 160 kB, Windows NT MARTA-provider
ole32.dll, 0x760e0000, 1,16 MB, Microsoft OLE voor Windows
oleaut32.dll, 0x76cc0000, 604 kB,
olepro32.dll, 0x674d0000, 96 kB,
powrprof.dll, 0x6cb30000, 256 kB, Helper-DLL-bestand voor energieprofiel
profapi.dll, 0x74450000, 60 kB, User Profile Basic API
propsys.dll, 0x74180000, 1,23 MB, Microsoft Eigenschappensysteem
psapi.dll, 0x76cb0000, 24 kB, Process Status Helper
rpcrt4.dll, 0x76300000, 744 kB, Runtime voor RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
sechost.dll, 0x76730000, 260 kB, Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs
secur32.dll, 0x70ca0000, 40 kB, Security Support Provider Interface
security.dll, 0x70cb0000, 12 kB, Security Support Provider Interface
setupapi.dll, 0x763d0000, 1,69 MB, Windows Setup API
sfc.dll, 0x70680000, 12 kB, Windows File Protection
sfc_os.dll, 0x70420000, 60 kB, Windows File Protection
SHCore.dll, 0x74360000, 556 kB, SHCORE
shell32.dll, 0x74890000, 18,73 MB, Gemeenschappelijk DLL-bestand van Windows Shell
shell32.dll.mui, 0x3cd0000, 512 kB, Gemeenschappelijk DLL-bestand van Windows Shell
shlwapi.dll, 0x76a70000, 276 kB, Shell lichtgewicht hulpprogrammabibliotheek
SortDefault.nls, 0x28f0000, 2,83 MB,
spp.dll, 0x66c50000, 232 kB, Bibliotheek voor Microsoft® Windows Gedeeld beveiligingspunt
srclient.dll, 0x6ffc0000, 72 kB, Microsoft® Windows System Restore Client Library
srvcli.dll, 0x740d0000, 116 kB, Server Service Client DLL
sspicli.dll, 0x766b0000, 120 kB, Security Support Provider Interface
urlmon.dll, 0x66df0000, 1,29 MB, OLE32-extensies voor Win32
user32.dll, 0x75b60000, 1,32 MB, DLL-bestand voor Windows USER API-client (meerdere gebruikers)
userenv.dll, 0x747f0000, 108 kB, Userenv
uxtheme.dll, 0x71020000, 948 kB, DLL-bestand Microsoft UxTheme
version.dll, 0x74810000, 32 kB, Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
vssapi.dll, 0xf330000, 1,11 MB, Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL
vsstrace.dll, 0x67480000, 68 kB, Traceringsbibliotheek voor Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy-service
winhttp.dll, 0x6ebc0000, 632 kB, Windows HTTP-services
wininet.dll, 0x70d20000, 2,36 MB, Internetuitbreidingen voor Win32
winmm.dll, 0x747b0000, 140 kB, MCI API DLL
winmmbase.dll, 0x74420000, 140 kB, Base Multimedia Extension API DLL
winspool.drv, 0x74480000, 404 kB, Windows Spoolerstuurprogramma
winsta.dll, 0x71840000, 276 kB, Winstation Library
wintrust.dll, 0x76780000, 244 kB, Microsoft Trust Verification APIs
wkscli.dll, 0x740b0000, 68 kB, Workstation Service Client DLL
wow64.dll, 0x76fd0000, 300 kB, Win32 Emulation on NT64
wow64cpu.dll, 0x77020000, 36 kB, AMD64 Wow64 CPU
wow64win.dll, 0x77030000, 416 kB, Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging
ws2_32.dll, 0x76f80000, 316 kB, Windows Socket 2.0 32-bits DLL-bestand
wtsapi32.dll, 0x747e0000, 60 kB, Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs