I am a heavy user of MS word, Is it possible to change a keyboard key for a more commonly used key as an example there are $,& signs on keyboard keys 4 and 7 respectively, How do I change either key for a more commonly used symbol rather than using 'insert a symbol' feature on MS word?
In MS Word, you have a thing called AutoCorrect options.
Now click on big button for AutoCorrect options
Here you can put & in the Replace box, and your desired character(s) in the With box.
Please note that after typing & you will need to hit the space bar in order for it to be replaced by the character of your choice.
The geeky way to do this is with a little free program called AutoHotKey. It is designed for advanced users and/or people used to writing code. If you are neither of the above, you can expect a bit of a learning curve. But it is 100 times more powerful than AutoCorrect options.