Some of us are a bit of a defeatist when it comes to dealing with hackers. You put in your defense layers and he tries to break thru. If you have an EDR you may catch the attack upon reviewing your alerts, but he's already inside. So then you re-image, add a block to block his attack. And add some more defense configs. He will notice that his C2 component is gone, and try again. The game goes on. The problem for the defender is that he has to spend time to review + investigate the EDR alerts, the alerts are just suspicous things, and may mean nothing. And for the defender, all it takes is one mis-configuration, one vulnerability, one human error; that is if the attacker finds and exploits it. The attacker does not have a guarranteed win, but he has a good chance. You have to be dilligent, always learning, always looking for improvements, thinking like an attacker and ways to twart him and always monitoring for attacks. Knowing all the various methods of attacks helps, pick up a book on the Comptia Security+ certification, it provides good coverage on that and more. Easy read. It also has a chapter on defense frameworks that teaches you where to find guidance to get good defense coverage.Those frameworks can be used as a checklist of what to implement. Better to spend money on knowing the whole picture than just jumping onto an AV and praying. After learning the Security+ curriculum, you will be spending money more wisely.
IMHO, what matters most is determination to defend your turf.