Is your Avira the free version?
If you want to go the Freeware route, here are some tools to maintain your system:
Antivirus: Avast Free
Web Filter (to further protect alongside with Avast Web Shield): Panda URL Filter (google Panda Toolbar, then install. Once installed, remove it leaving only the filter)
Disk Defrag: Puran Defrag or smart defrag
Backup utility: Paragon Backup & Recovery Free or Macrium Reflect Free
Uninstaller: Revo Uninstaller Free
Registry and Overall cleaner: CCleaner
Registry Defrag (make sure you backup your registry first): Quicksys RegDefrag
Additional On deman scanner: Hitman Pro
System Optimization: Advanced System Care 5 Free
Virtualization: Sandboxie (free) or if you want Bufferzone Pro (free)
Note: Sandboxie optimization tips by Osci:
Minimal settings:
- Sandbox - DefaultBox - Sandbox Settings - Delete - Delete Invocation: check "Automatically delete contents of sandbox"
- Sandbox - DefaultBox - Sandbox Settings - Restrictions - Drop Rights: check "Drop rights from Administrators ..."
More info here:
As for browsing, before I recommend any extensions what browser do you use?
As for your laptop problems itself, I recommend do some clean up, back up all your important data and either Install from fresh or see if after cleaning your system + doing a disk and registry defrag it improves performance.
Also, please post specs of your laptop
Finally, welcome to the forums!
Edit: Some of the questions and suggestions overlap the previous post probably because it took me awhile to type all the above