Not so long time ago we found a very interesting piece of malware for Android. Unfortunately, it is not clear how it was spread but in any case it’s worth mentioning. The malicious application displays itself as ‘MADDEN NFL 12’ game after the installation.
The file size is over 5+ MB and actually is a Trojan that drops a set of malware components onto the system: root exploit, SMS Trojan and IRC bot. The .class file "AndroidBotAcitivity" maintains this dropper functionality. It creates a ‘/data/data/’ directory and sets ‘777’ permission (read/write/execute for all users). After that it extracts three files - ‘header01.png’ (root exploit), ‘footer01.png’ (IRC bot), ‘border01.png’ (SMS Trojan) - into this directory. Then it sets ‘777’ permission on the root exploit file and executes it. Finally, it displays the text ‘(0x14) Error - Not registred application’ on the screen.
If the exploit is executed successfully and the device is rooted, it launches the IRC bot ‘footer01.png’.
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