Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that all promo codes will remain active. Some offers have a short validation period and expire.
1. Type in Google Chrome - http://onedollarlesson.com/
2. Press ctrl + U (there is a new page)
3. Press ctrl + F
4. Type "trial"
5. Copy the first result found (model - /trial/?c=sdajIBiLmT)
6. Paste to one point - first page (http://onedollarlesson.com/trial/?c=sdajIBiLmT)
7. Enter
8. Insert your email - enter.
Works fine with U.K IP through Zenmate ,one thing i noticed is that sometimes when you connect through zenmate to UK it may connect from the Hong kong server ,thus you're assigned Hong kong IP and not UK ,so make sure your IP is actually UK .You can always check hereWith zebmate VPN i tried with an Englsih ip and also didn't work
Try this:Romania. If it's invalid, then I should not be able to have the code from the beginning.
Romania. If it's invalid, then I should not be able to have the code from the beginning.
It worked. Thank you.