Some suggestions were posted in your previous thread:
Windows Defender is built-in to Windows 8.1, with Network Inspection Service available making it on-par with Microsoft Security Essentials. You can easily opt-out of MAPS from the settings, or switch to Advanced membership.
Check that Windows Updates are set to Automatic, as the Virus definition updates via this service. Or you will be prompted to update daily.
If you use CCleaner, don't opt to clean Windows Defender, as it will remove the most recent last scan logs. Or you will be prompted to scan with WD. Cleaning old definition or WD files can be removed with Windows Disk Cleanup with Admin rights.
Windows Defender has heuristics and behavioural monitoring, but not visible in the settings or interface. Windows Defender will automatically remove threats with no user interaction. Adware detection is mediocre, although it will improve over time.
You may
not want to use Windows Defender, if you believe the paranoia crap from review sites.