I really like KeepassXC, but the absense of dedicated mobile apps made me look elsewhere.
For Keepass, take a look at Keepassium and Strongbox available on iOS, not sure about Android.
I've been a Lastpass refugee/victim thanks to their nonchalant attitude towards security not just recently but going back years when it was clearly their job to educate and update customers/users about the risks & the mitigation strategies users ought to take immediately in case of hack attempts AND strengthen their own defences against such breaches.
Lastpass it seems was a sitting duck. I mean what so called security company employee falls for a phishing scam?! Aren't the employees trained and do they attend refresher courses in data security at regular intervals?
I've used Lastpass for about a decade or maybe just a bit longer, since 2012/13 IIRC. When I look back I think ever since LP changed hands and with the entry of PE investors something fundamentally changed in their outlook. LP became more profit oriented with my subscription increasing from $12/year to $24/year to $36/year, restriction in # of devices that can access the service (2021). Security of data became low priority just as hack attacks increased.
As I said earlier on this thread I blame myself for not seeing the danger signs and moving out instead revelling in the comfort of using, what is even today, one of the most user friendly and complete password managers on the market. And this after coming straight from Roboform an established PM in its own right (and the 1st one I ever used ) but one that hardly gets any love by reviewers or even on social media and other fora. LP does everything so well and it's really hard to fault LPs functionality and ease of use. The UI could do a bit of sprucing up but that's secondary.
I admit what happened to LP can happen to BW or 1Password or other cloud PM but I found Lastpass' approach and response extremely lackadaisical and wanting. The current brouhaha smacks of a CYA operation that is driven by lawyers to minimise the risks of legal fallouts. I get the feeling things are much worse on the inside than LP cares to admit publicly.
Oh well, live and learn.