Well, I just found an e-mail that contains my voucher code for Norton 360 Deluxe. At least that is already in my possession, because one person where I bought the PC said I would get a voucher code in my e-mail... and another person said no. I have it now, and I am curious to try it out once I have my new PC. 
But I already have a question or two about Norton 360 Deluxe. It comes with unlimited use VPN. Maybe not the best, but still of better use to me then the so-called VPN that comes with BD Total Security. (A whopping 200mb a day!
so take it out already, Bitdefender, who are you kidding here.)
But my question about the Norton VPN is this, when I use it, is it compatible with NextDNS? I think I read somewhere that it could cause issues between the two, but I am not certain. Also, once I have Norton 360 Deluxe installed, are there Windows functions that I do not need to use or activate? (Just want to be careful.)