It's the 19th of december

we still have days to go although I have send the funniest Christmas present today already to Lenny Fox.
Upside of Covid lockdown (26th of December is my birthday) is that this will be the second year I don't have to prep Christmas meal for 15 people on 26th (we call it second Christmas day in the Netherlands). I already bought a deep freeze pizza (to my wife's horror).
I wonder what Lenny Fox will be doing at Christmas. We still have email contact (we met on Github), because we shared some interests (both having been cooks during our time as student, he being a young digital marketer, I am being the oldest certified one in the Netherlands).
Today I have send him a Christmas present, being 70 x Unox rookworst (a typical Dutch smoked sausage
link), because they were in discount at a Dutch supermarket chain (I bought the complete Unox sausage stock at 4 supermarkets today) and asked him to prepare hutspot for all the boys he teaches (hutspot is an old fashioned Dutch winter meal). He teaches kids in Botswana to become a cook now (as posted earlier his girlfriend got a good job as consultant at an NGO in Botswana).
The classical Dutch meal with smoked sausage is "boerenkool met worst' (farmers cabbage or kale with mashed patatoes), there is a member on Wilders with this avatar, but I opted for another traditional Dutch winter meal called
hutspot thinking they have (sweet) potatoes, carrots, unions and pepper nearly every where in the world (I figured they would not have the vegetable 'kale' in Botswana, so I opted for hutspot).