It's good to see Defender getting some much needed love. Over the years, Microsoft has back themselves into a corner...but are working themselves out with Windows 10. I don't know much about the deep security features of Windows 10, but I know that it is stronger than previous OSes Microsoft has released. Updates to Sandboxing, Smartscreen, UAC, Defender and I'm sure much more has strengthened Windows 10 to the point were you see heavy marketing with 3rd party AVs now (ADs, leftover scanners, emails, webpage advertising, deals, questionable renewal policies, etc). It makes you wonder if 3rd party AVs feel a hit (Windows 10 in general getting more secure and less of a need for 3rd party AVs). Or maybe the PC market decline is causing them to lose market share. Maybe both.
I don't think we will ever see more features that increases user input in Windows 10+. Every product or enhancement from Microsoft for home users is carefully crafted to make sure the user is not bombarded with too many decisions. And that is the best direction to take IMO. Technologies have to become smarter. Being able to out-smart even the best of us. Automated security (next-gen or whatever you want to call it) that finds security issues and corrects them quietly...on top of a more secure OS. That seems like the direction the general home user market is going.