Thanks to bunyip783 for the review and for spawning some stimulating conversation.
What this comes down to is what works for you.Personally I prefer to use the tools available to protect myself,my identity,my money,and my credit.All which I have worked very hard to get and maintain.These not only effect me but my family.
If using simple solutions works for some,that's great! A review helps you make an educated decision.Security advice should not be given out as any one specific solution but yet as the options that are available.Then the risks and rewards explained for each solution,whether that be an AV,Security Suite,Sandbox,common sense,knowledge or a combination of these.
I might be able to get away with the knowledge and common sense part but what about my family.They cruise the internet,facebook,online shopping,online banking,email and have no interest or time to listen to me give a course in using a PC armed with just common sense and knowledge.Not because they are dumb but they have no interest.Therefore I make sure all my PC's are protected to the max.Gives me one less thing to worry about.