Retirement of Exchange Web Services in Exchange Online | Microsoft Community Hub
Today, we are announcing that on October 1, 2026, we will start blocking EWS requests from non-Microsoft apps to Exchange Online.

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This news isn’t unexpected, with the company announcing EWS would not benefit from any new features back in 2018. Now, the firm has announced that in three years’ time, EWS will block requests from non-Microsoft apps to Exchange Online.
Story via Microsoft will kill Exchange Web Services in 3 years — as everyone is strongly advised to migrate to GraphMicrosoft is shutting down its cross-platform Exchange Web Services (EWS) API from October 1 2026, meaning users won’t be able to access their emails and contacts from Exchange Online.
When Microsoft retires the API, users who rely on EWS to pull in their messages, meetings, and other elements, from other inboxes will find it no longer works.
These changes will apply to Microsoft 365 and Exchange Online environments. Outlook, Teams, EWS in Exchange Server, and other Microsoft products will continue to work as before.