A new report on the global threats posed by cyber attacks has found that the prevalence of mobile malware remained steady from the fourth quarter 2016 to the first quarter of this year, with about 20% of organisations detecting the malware.
According to the latest report from Fortinet, more Android “malware families made the top 10 list by volume or prevalence this quarter And Fortinet says regional mobile malware prevalence rose in every region except the Middle East.The security firm says the rate of growth was statistically significant in all cases rather than simply random variation and compared to some other regional threat comparisons, Android malware appeared to have stronger geographic tendencies.
On industry sectors Fortinet says cluster analysis by vertical industry shows that the attack surface across most industries was the same with a few exceptions such as the education and telco sectors.
“This means that adversaries can easily exploit similar attack surfaces across industries more easily, especially with automated tools,” Fortinet says.
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