WARNING: Before you use!
Homepage: NewPass
Please refrain from storing your passwords in NewPass at the moment, as it is currently undergoing active development and may not be completely secure. It's advisable to use NewPass solely for testing purposes and contributions until its security has been thoroughly vetted.
Homepage: NewPass
GitHub - 6eero/NewPass: 🔐 NewPass is a free and open source password manager which will allow you to generate and store your passwords securely, saving them locally and encrypting them on your phone's memory
🔐 NewPass is a free and open source password manager which will allow you to generate and store your passwords securely, saving them locally and encrypting them on your phone's memory - 6eero/N...
NewPass is a secure password management application designed to generate and store strong passwords locally on your device. With NewPass, you can create highly secure passwords for your accounts and services without the need to remember them.
- Password Generation: Create complex and secure passwords, customizable in length and character set (uppercase, numbers, and special characters).
- Local Storage: Passwords are stored locally on your device, ensuring privacy and control, with no data stored on external servers.
- AES Encryption: All passwords are encrypted using AES with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) to ensure integrity and confidentiality before saving them in the local database.
- SQLite Cipher: Utilizes SQLCipher for full database encryption, with an encryption key chosen by the user upon the app's first launch.
- User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use interface for generating, viewing, and managing passwords, with options for copying and securely sharing passwords.