- Mar 9, 2019
- 825
Community Edition is available completely free for the non-commercial purpose only.
You may backup files, volumes and disks entirely or pick one at a time. Select the OS partition and you get all the necessary boot partitions. If your operating system crashes, you can recover it easily.
In case your operating system becomes damaged or corrupted, you’ll be able to boot the system from a bootable USB stick to restore your entire system including the OS, installed programs, user settings and data, all within WinPE environment.
You may backup files, volumes and disks entirely or pick one at a time. Select the OS partition and you get all the necessary boot partitions. If your operating system crashes, you can recover it easily.
In case your operating system becomes damaged or corrupted, you’ll be able to boot the system from a bootable USB stick to restore your entire system including the OS, installed programs, user settings and data, all within WinPE environment.
Free Data Recovery software | Paragon Backup & Recovery Community Edition
Reliable backup and recovery tool for windows 10 with advanced options of restoring files, folders and os. Incremental and differential backup of the whole system.