Hi all,
i'm eumes-tv,
this pc 2 is compaq desktop pc,
i tried to installs the brand new cyberlink freewares (U Webinars, PerfectCam, ...) released on august 16Th
the network disk problem it's:
for my portableapps companion drbl bootable usb drive/network disk(s):
and my trouble on network device, the CustomUSB PortableApps.Com DRBL bootable Companion blue 32 GB stick plugged on my Orange Livebox, is actually the (Y:/) partition on my laptop, if i copy/modify/move a file/folder on it i have this error message in french:
Accès au dossier de destination refusé: Vous devez disposer d'une autorisation pour effectuer cette action",
On compaq pc, this network device is the (Z:\) disk , i clicked on it on my compaq pc, a error messages says "denied access", ora error message in french with "Restauration des connexions réseau: Erreur lors de la connexion de Z: à \\Livebox\COMPANION Microsoft Windows Network: Le chemin réseau n'as pas été trouvé - Cette connexion n'as pas été restaurée" displayed on this
and the ransomware police national it's:
i have on website downloaded filmora video editor on weird site to seek portableapps of wondershare,
but a ransomware national police tab appears on opera browser and i'm infected by vosteran
comodo dragon have hijacked to babylon search/delta toolbar
i'm eumes-tv,
this pc 2 is compaq desktop pc,
i tried to installs the brand new cyberlink freewares (U Webinars, PerfectCam, ...) released on august 16Th
the network disk problem it's:
for my portableapps companion drbl bootable usb drive/network disk(s):
and my trouble on network device, the CustomUSB PortableApps.Com DRBL bootable Companion blue 32 GB stick plugged on my Orange Livebox, is actually the (Y:/) partition on my laptop, if i copy/modify/move a file/folder on it i have this error message in french:
Accès au dossier de destination refusé: Vous devez disposer d'une autorisation pour effectuer cette action",
On compaq pc, this network device is the (Z:\) disk , i clicked on it on my compaq pc, a error messages says "denied access", ora error message in french with "Restauration des connexions réseau: Erreur lors de la connexion de Z: à \\Livebox\COMPANION Microsoft Windows Network: Le chemin réseau n'as pas été trouvé - Cette connexion n'as pas été restaurée" displayed on this
and the ransomware police national it's:
i have on website downloaded filmora video editor on weird site to seek portableapps of wondershare,
but a ransomware national police tab appears on opera browser and i'm infected by vosteran
comodo dragon have hijacked to babylon search/delta toolbar