- May 29, 2023
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(Via Reddit)
Could be related to this: Compliance with Google Policies for Monetization SDKs
Analysis on Wladimir Palant's blog:
Lies, damned lies, and Impact Hero (refoorest, allcolibri)
Could be related to this: Compliance with Google Policies for Monetization SDKs
Analysis on Wladimir Palant's blog:
Lies, damned lies, and Impact Hero (refoorest, allcolibri)
Transparency note: According to Colibri Hero, they attempted to establish a business relationship with eyeo, a company that I co-founded. I haven’t been in an active role at eyeo since 2018, and I left the company entirely in 2021. Colibri Hero was only founded in 2021. My investigation here was prompted by a blog comment.
Colibri Hero (also known as allcolibri) is a company with a noble mission:
One of the company’s products is the refoorest browser extension, promising to make a positive impact on the climate by planting trees. Best of it: this costs users nothing whatsoever. According to the refoorest website:We want to create a world where organizations can make a positive impact on people and communities.
So the users merely need to have the extension installed, indicating that they want to make a positive impact. And since the concept was so successful, Colibri Hero recently turned it into an SDK called Impact Hero (also known as Impact Bro), so that it could be added to other browser extensions.Plantation financed by our partners
What the company carefully avoids mentioning: its 56,000 “partners” aren’t actually aware that they are financing tree planting. The refoorest extension and extensions using the Impact Hero SDK automatically open so-called affiliate links in the browser, making certain that the vendor pays them an affiliate commission for whatever purchases the users make. As the extensions do nothing to lead users to a vendor’s offers, this functionality likely counts as affiliate fraud.
The refoorest extension also makes very clear promises to its users: planting a tree for each extension installation, two trees for an extension review as well as a tree for each vendor visit. Clearly, this is not actually happening according to the numbers published by Colibri Hero themselves.
What does happen is careless handling of users’ data despite the “100% Data privacy guaranteed” promise. In fact, the company didn’t even bother to produce a proper privacy policy. There are various shady practices including a general lack of transparency, with the financials never disclosed. As proof of trees being planted the company links to a “certificate” which is … surprise! … its own website.
Mind you, I’m not saying that the company is just pocketing the money it receives via affiliate commissions. Maybe they are really paying Eden Reforestation (not actually called that any more) to plant trees and the numbers they publish are accurate. As a user, this is quite a leap of faith with a company that shows little commitment to facts and transparency however.