So she's a programmer then?
switched from Multi-Commander back to XYplorer (free); both are nice but MC would crash with shell extensions and XYplorer looks a lot nicer and runs more smoothly.
switched from Norton ConnectSafe (DNS) back to Comodo DNS; Norton blocked HumbleBundle downloads (legit indie games) with generic heuristics but didn't provide an option to continue. Dear Norton, Ever since Speed Disk, you've made great products; however, you are not smarter than everyone else so stop with the "we know better and will protect you from yourself" routine. v/r, //r
To block OpenCandy everywhere without the need of MBAM real-time protection, I added the following to my router "Block Sites" keywords:
On my router at least (NetGear) "*" does not block "".
Finally, I am really, really liking GlassWire. The systray icon turns bright red when you're sending a bunch of traffic. It's really understated software.
Currently, I'm testing Xvirus, Crystal Security, Immunet, Emsisoft Anti-Malware (and yes, they are all actually running with Qihoo without conflict...just really slow.