- Jan 24, 2011
- 9,379
Scammers have recently been targeting job seekers in Australia, aiming a phishing campaign at users of the Federal Government's job site, JobSearch.
The scam "reminds" you that your JobSearch account is about to expire, warning you to go online and update your account within the next two days:
The email even includes a disclaimer typical of public service departments worldwide. (I wish they wouldn't do that. Disclaimers of any sort serve little practical purpose other than to patronise and to annoy legitimate users, but they are still widespread in Gov 2.0 correspondence.)
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The scam "reminds" you that your JobSearch account is about to expire, warning you to go online and update your account within the next two days:
Scam email said:Dear Australian JobSearch user,
To confirm your account please select the link provided.
[account confirmation]
Please note that you need to respond within 2 days. After this time your registration will be deleted from JobSearch and you will need to repeat the registration process.
The email even includes a disclaimer typical of public service departments worldwide. (I wish they wouldn't do that. Disclaimers of any sort serve little practical purpose other than to patronise and to annoy legitimate users, but they are still widespread in Gov 2.0 correspondence.)

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