The programme has not received any updates for x years.
The Shadow Defender creator and publisher has a long history of disappearing from support, making bug fixes, addressing other issues, etc due to health problems. In the past Tony (English name; I cannot remember his Chinese name) would stop any communications with the outside world for 3, 4, or 5 years. The, unannounced, he would return.
Some people speculated that it was due to the CCP monitoring Tony but that is not the case. He has serious health problems.
Back in 2021 I saw posts on Chinese security forums that Tony died from COVID.
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No bugs fixes and God knows how many security issues are there.
Bugs ≠ "security issues"
"God knows how many security issues" = speculation
BSODs are an annoyance and are no indication of a serious security problem.
Nobody ever pentested Shadow Defender for vulnerabilities, since Day 1.
All virtualization products are bypassable at some deep level such as firmware or lower - e.g. Ring 0. For a Ring 0 bypass all that is required is to find a vulnerability and exploit it. In the past Shadow Defender and other products (e.g. Deep Guard) did not protect against Ring 0 bootkits or rootkits. Then those vulnerabilities were patched. However, there is no way for virtualization products to protect against malicious firmware. Nation-states love exploitable firmware. The kind of threat actor that would be interested in getting onto Shadow Defender systems does not have either the inclination, the resources or the skills to R&D malicious firmware.
If you want the latest news then the person to speak with is @sdmod over at Wilders. He is the only person with whom the developer every maintained contact - albeit intermittently due to the health issues.