...told a reporter......games should start to abide by the international laws of armed conflict."
IMO, with or without rules, we make choices.
Sometimes, while I'm driving (..yes, in REAL life) the
HEAT of pent up aggression can literally be
felt from 25 yards away.. or more. Highways differ from driving in the city similarly to the way single person shooter
& even driving games
differ whenever anyone else is involved. It's kind of like how we're respectful to one another
here. Thanks moderators!
To me, it can be summed up as "Do we play?", and if we do, "Do we play nice?" An original thread like this one can spark a greater
flow & a larger response than another that elicits less. My point is contained in the way many of us follow collective rules of proximity & personal space. ..or don't.
When we drive, we are committing to a game of transport where many move as one (while also thinking within their own patterns of "How-To-Circumnavigate-The-Maze"). This may have more to do with getting away with wrong behavior while getting to the next stage, and also succeeding in getting there
first, than any "laws of (automotive) conflict". A powerful aspect of life, sports, represent opposite ends of focused aggression whilst trying to win. Winning can also be applicable to fans getting in & out unscathed as well as players uninjured & whole (so long as we win).
So, coming full circle back to abiding by serious rules to games that are
not so serious, when I am in the act of decapitating countless
un-dead enemies and, further, launching exploding flaming arrows into a fray of a hoard consisting of assorted creepy characters trying to kill my character in the
game "Samurai versus Zombies Defense", I simply 'drive' forward without conscience, for there are no consequences ...unless my computer freezes, bringing me back here to come ask some of you for help.
If, on the other hand, I've broken any "International Laws of armed (excessively long posting) conflict", I'll play nice. Then I'll agree with Gnosis that it is high time to "...
nuke a few countries that launch an attack on UMBRA CORP. Bwahahaha".