Following on from this post I've since come across several other threads, all were started this month (October 2022) where it states 'Not open for further replies.'
I don't always get to MT regularly, sometimes I simply don't have the time. Often I can read a few threads and note several more that I'd like to return to as and when I get the time in the near future. But I'd like to contribute when and where I can. I get that the site may not want a thread that was begun a few years back being dug up out of the 'News Graveyard' and restarted, but as I see it as things stand today it is all going to increase the number of threads on the same/similar topic.Or drive people away if they are not on this site 24/7 and ready to post a reply within a few days of its origin. MT does not appear to be as much of a 'discussion' site like it used to be, there is less engagement between users than I recall from before.