Average score of StopZilla.
StopZilla uses Vipre engine to detect and remove malware.
The detection rate is good but more malware is gone and seriously infect the system.
Disinfection is urgent, StopZilla is not recommended at this time, but it can be in the future if the antivirus is improving.
@xxtoss23 requests
To be correct STOPzilla does only use the framework of the engine, as the "motor" inside the engine is totally home developed.
Their rather new iS3 AVM engine is something Vipre Antivirus would drool by.
Question did you use the Advanced engine? As on normal modus STOPz does nothing much, however in advanced mode it does a hell of a lot better.
I did have a brief phone call in the past with Erika (one of their support staff) to ask about somethings as one of our clients actually used STOPzilla.(And yes we got rid of it lmao) So i can vouch beyond the reasonable doubt that the engine is NOT Vipre, However the framework is..
But the motor is home build so to speak also the signatures they use are a mix between home grown and Vipre/Bitdefender at least that is what Erika told us.
That being said STOPzilla does have some interesting features and some of them if matured enough could be really cool, but they need to mature more, yet its good the managed to get West Coast Labs certification and i am not mistaken they also passed Checkmark certf? So it seems the product is actively being developed and thats always good. So give them time....