ForgottenSeer 69673
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This is true.SUMO is basically trialware that only works if you pay for it. Either buy it or move along.
This is true.SUMO is basically trialware that only works if you pay for it. Either buy it or move along.
SUMO is basically trialware that only works if you pay for it. Either buy it or move along.
0005120: [Refactoring] "PhotoFiltre" shall be identified as "PhotoFiltre Studio" for Mafor > 6 (and < 10) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005122: [Refactoring] UltraVNC detection improvement (Kyle_Katarn)
0005121: [Refactoring] "VNC by RealVNC" detection improvement (Kyle_Katarn)
0005119: [Refactoring] Improved performance (Version detection) : 22% faster (Kyle_Katarn)
The (portable) free version works fine, from some time using it the program will inform you of an update but you manually have to go to the download site - Not really difficult as I have all programs I use in my bookmarks. A few months ago I bought the full version of SUMO - Great buy IMHO - A agree totally with the post above form the developer![]()
0005127: [Refactoring] "RealVNC Ltd" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005117: [Bug] Crash when closing Portable version ran from a read only folder (eg : NAS,...) (Kyle_Katarn)
0004670: [Bug] Twitch wrong version reported (Kyle_Katarn)
0005026: [Bug] Correction of "Adobe Flash Player for xxx" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005126: [Refactoring] wgc_api.exe to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
Sumo says I have an update for Libreoffice but I have the latest version. I check my version with what Sumo lists and it is the same.
0005185: [Refactoring] Updated French translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005172: [Refactoring] SUMo shall not (auto)check while licence has not been checked (Kyle_Katarn)
0005174: [Refactoring] Updated Hungarian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005163: [Refactoring] Licence manager shall not accept "null name" de facto invalid licence (Kyle_Katarn)
0005170: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005157: [Bug] ACDSee wrongly identified (Kyle_Katarn)
0005152: [Refactoring] "LSoft Technologies Inc." company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005153: [Bug] Undue notification for "IObit Uninstaller by IOBit" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005151: [Refactoring] "vncguihelper.exe" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0005156: [Refactoring] "&" changed into "_" on check dialog (Kyle_Katarn)
0005197: [Refactoring] Code optimisation for Product name & company computation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005190: [Refactoring] "ACDSee Ultimate" wrongly identified as "ACDSee" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005196: [Refactoring] "The Qt Company Ltd." company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005189: [Refactoring] French translation : "deep check" not translated (Kyle_Katarn)
0005186: [Refactoring] Updated Italian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005202: [Refactoring] Piriform company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005200: [New Feature] "Kalkules" listed under wrong name (www.kalkules.com) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005201: [Refactoring] "Display Driver Uninstaller / Wagnardsoft" shall not be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0005194: [Refactoring] "Corsair memory" company rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005195: [Refactoring] "Nullsoft, Inc." to be replaced by "Winamp SA" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005198: [Bug] Wrong version reported for IOBit Driver Booster (0004098 not fully fixed) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005199: [Bug] XVid Codec support broken by 0005197 (Kyle_Katarn)
0005204: [Refactoring] ATIcInstallTool unduly filtered by SUMo (Kyle_Katarn)
0005209: [Refactoring] LINE is incorrectly detected (Kyle_Katarn)
0005218: [Refactoring] "Geeks3D" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005222: [Refactoring] "photools.com IMatch" to be renamed as "IMatch" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005216: [Refactoring] "MetaGeek" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005221: [Refactoring] "Seagate" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005217: [Refactoring] "SplitmediaLabs" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn)
0005230: [Refactoring] "Bo Yans" better identification (Kyle_Katarn)
0005219: [Bug] Wrong version reported for VMware Workstation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005224: [Refactoring] WzBGTools to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn)
0005228: [Bug] Wrong company name for "TOR Browser (64 bits)" (reported as "Mozilla Foundation") (Kyle_Katarn)
0004781: [Refactoring] Loading Performance improvement : 22% faster (Kyle_Katarn)
0005232: [Refactoring] Logitech Options to be filtered in (in fact, dedicated product) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005191: [Refactoring] "Dashcam Viewer" : wrong version reported (Kyle_Katarn)
0005162: [Bug] Wrong dialog title for "Excluded folders" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005029: [New Feature] Option to remove "Drivers Update" button for SUMo Pro users (Kyle_Katarn)
0004405: [New Feature] "Drivers Update" and other buttons (Kyle_Katarn)
0005238: [New Feature] New keybord shortcuts for "Add File" and "Scan Folders" (Kyle_Katarn)
I have both SUMO & DUMO but don't use them.
I have a ton of outdated Drivers & 1 programme yet the program never gets me the download (which i thought was the point)
I even downloaded the programme manually, installed it and SUMO still said it was outdated.
Confused is an understatement for both SUMO & DUMO.
0005259: [Refactoring] New company name for "everything" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005256: [Refactoring] Wrong company name for "Teamviewer QS" (Kyle_Katarn)
0005255: [Refactoring] Privazer multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0005258: [Refactoring] "icofx software" company name multiple detection (Kyle_Katarn)
0005257: [Refactoring] Updated Italian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005254: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)