Doesn't this have to do mostly with updating data within office files across the internet or just maintaining updated and synced data banks? Grabbing data for presentations or reports and this kind of thing is what I mean. Yes, you can for this just write the app, but MSO does seem to be to be much more powerful to me with this capability in place. Generally, I think this is usually accounting data or sales data that is updated to a main database and from there referenced. So I think MS opened the internet channel to VB.
My question is, why isn't VB more tailored for safe use and use within Office only? By this I mean, why can't there be a secure and usable channel for working with office files via macro across the internet or an intranet that uses a properly refined and limited language? Seems to me there could be correlative software in MSO, also, designed for enforcement of security policy for office documents across an intranet or the internet. This would be "support" and assist with security policy enforcement, but MS obviously doesn't understand the first thing about the corporate work environment and how rigid it really must be. Don't think MS has 5 seconds thought in the securability of MS Office at this point, in spite of the fact that it's a main channel for potential trouble. All of this is strange to me considering the size of MS itself.
By the way, I read of an instance where a company was using office to maintain and monitor the functions of machinery across an entire assembly line. On the surface, I thought it was a kind of a cool idea, but it sure seemed clumsy to me to be using Excel to view data about the machines along the line, knowing the bits I know about Office and macros. They don't run very fast in my experience when operating on an Excel sheet or Word or whatever page. This company I think was updating data every 2 seconds. Working with data that way in Office is dangerous, anyway. You can grab data and it only be partly updated...if you grab it from an updating file. All kinds of weird things can happen.
Before running a questionable macro one thing I guess someone could do would be to take it to Microsoft Answers or StackOverflow and ask what the macro does.