Advice Request What's the difference between Facebook and TikTok?

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Jan 8, 2011
What's the difference between using Facebook or TikTok, if they're both spyware apps? Why is it frowned upon if you use TikTok, but no one bats an eye if you use Twitter, Instagram or Google? Why do governments want to block TikTok access, if American companies have similar practises or privacy scandals?


AI-powered Bot
Apr 21, 2016
Both Facebook and TikTok collect data from their users, but their approaches are different. TikTok's algorithmic approach to collecting user data is more invasive, as it tracks users' interests and habits more closely. Additionally, TikTok has faced scrutiny around its ownership by a Chinese company, leading to concerns that user data could be shared with the Chinese government.

The reason why TikTok is more frowned upon than other social media platforms is because of the nature of the data that it collects and the questions around its ownership. Additionally, TikTok is a newer platform and has grown exponentially in popularity in a short amount of time, leading to increased scrutiny and attention.

Governments may want to block TikTok access due to concerns around data privacy and security, as well as geopolitical tensions. It is true that American companies have also faced privacy scandals, but the geopolitical concerns around TikTok are unique to its ownership by a Chinese company.


Staff Member
Jan 24, 2011
What's the difference between using Facebook or TikTok, if they're both spyware apps? Why is it frowned upon if you use TikTok, but no one bats an eye if you use Twitter, Instagram or Google? Why do governments want to block TikTok access, if American companies have similar practises or privacy scandals?
While it's true that both Facebook and TikTok gather data from users, there are some key differences between the two platforms. Facebook is primarily a social network for connecting with friends and family, while TikTok is more of a video-sharing app where users can upload and watch short videos. Facebook has been around for much longer than TikTok, and has a more established user base and a broader range of features.

As for why TikTok is often frowned upon compared to other social media platforms, part of it may be due to its Chinese ownership and the concerns around potential government censorship and data collection. Additionally, TikTok has faced criticism for its alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party and potential security risks related to its practices.

That being said, it's important to note that all social media platforms collect data, and it's up to each individual user to decide whether or not they want to use a particular platform based on their personal concerns around privacy and security. As for why governments want to block TikTok access, it likely comes down to the fact that the app is owned by a Chinese company, and there are concerns about the potential for data collection and censorship by the Chinese government. However, it's worth noting that American companies have also faced criticism over privacy issues and data scandals, so this is a complex issue with a lot of different factors at play.


Level 42
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Apr 13, 2013
One is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party, collects data and suppresses dissent, and the other is an arm of the US Democratic Party, collects data and suppresses dissent (often can't figure out which is which).

Digmor Crusher

Level 23
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Jan 27, 2018
One is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party, collects data and suppresses dissent, and the other is an arm of the US Democratic Party, collects data and suppresses dissent (often can't figure out which is which).
I'll fix this for you sister, one is Chinese, one is American. Do we really need the divisive crap on here?


Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
One is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party, collects data and suppresses dissent, and the other is an arm of the US Democratic Party, collects data and suppresses dissent (often can't figure out which is which).
Truth. Both are political wings of 'the party.' Speaking as someone who was just released from Farcebook's gulag after 60 days suspension for posting a quote from an historical figure that FB, one week after the post, decided was offensive.

It wasn't the quote they found offensive, it was the person's name, mind you. I posted his name, crediting him with making the quote. The name got me banned for 2 months. But, they love drag queens, Stalin, Mao, Che, Fidel, etc, et al. They're okay.
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Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
Well, there are 'reasoned' social/political objectives... and then there is pure evil.
They want no politics on Farcebook unless it agrees with their agenda. I've actually spent more time on GAB lately and, although there's almost no censorship, you feel a little dirty after being there. MeWe might end up being my landing point.

ForgottenSeer 98186

What's the difference between using Facebook or TikTok, if they're both spyware apps? Why is it frowned upon if you use TikTok, but no one bats an eye if you use Twitter, Instagram or Google? Why do governments want to block TikTok access, if American companies have similar practises or privacy scandals?
"While TikTok could become a clear threat to US security under certain scenarios, they say, the danger is currently largely hypothetical or indirect." (Same hypothetical scenario applies to Kaspersky,)

Do we really need the divisive crap on here?
Study how technology is being used in real, physical wars today. In Ukraine, both sides are using phones to track individual soldiers and commanders. Then there is the hacking of individual phones or apps for recon and intelligence gathering.

TikTok does represent a hypothetical national security threat to the west. Both censor their own citizens. Meta is a clear and present danger to any US or Canadian citizen that does not adhere to leftist ideology.

Which is the greater danger in the world? I think the people running Meta. For sure. They are proven to lash out and silence their perceived enemies.

It wasn't the quote they found offensive, it was the person's name, mind you.
American social media is essentially controlled by the left. I do not know how you would be surprised. The leftist mob has been doing what it did to you for years. There are those on the left that would like to see you jailed and suffer because of your avatar.

Scary times we live in.
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Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
"While TikTok could become a clear threat to US security under certain scenarios, they say, the danger is currently largely hypothetical or indirect." (Same hypothetical scenario applies to Kaspersky,)

Study how technology is being used in real, physical wars today. In Ukraine, both sides are using phones to track individual soldiers and commanders. Then there is the hacking of individual phones or apps for recon and intelligence gathering.

TikTok does represent a hypothetical national security threat to the west. Both censor their own citizens. Meta is a clear and present danger to any US or Canadian citizen that does not adhere to leftist ideology.

Which is the greater danger in the world? I think the people running Meta. For sure. They are proven to lash out and silence their perceived enemies.

American social media is essentially controlled by the left. I do not know how you would be surprised. The leftist mob has been doing what it did to you for years. There are those on the left that would like to see you jailed and suffer because of your avatar.

Scary times we live in.
Oh, no doubt some are offended that I'm using the Confederate Battle Flag, a flag that never flew over a plantation or government building. It was the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. An ancestor of mine fought with that army. Eventually, it's use spread to other units all across the Confederacy, but it was the flag of the ANV first.

I was surprisied that Farcebook suspended my account for 60 days because I posted a name. Just a name. I thought it was the quote, which I've seen other people use. Half the people under 35 today wouldn't even recognize the name of the person who made the quote, such is the state of our educational systems today. In any case, I'll continue to yank their chains, because I don't care.

Zero Knowledge

Level 20
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Dec 2, 2016
Somehow your response and/or hers don't square with her praise for WiseVector. So which is it?
That's a very fair question. Sometimes the best software (innovation in general society) is born out of the most repressive and worst circumstances. Does that mean you trust the products coming from those places that do repress distant, have human rights abuses and stifle free speech? No, you don't because you know they have the means and capability to own your devices and target you. But you can use them as long as you know the very high risks and take countermeasures to combat the risks.

I will say I am shifting towards a blanket ban towards hostile countries and their products and software, the risk is just starting to get to high.

ForgottenSeer 98186

I was surprisied that Farcebook suspended my account for 60 days because I posted a name. Just a name. I thought it was the quote, which I've seen other people use. Half the people under 35 today wouldn't even recognize the name of the person who made the quote, such is the state of our educational systems today. In any case, I'll continue to yank their chains, because I don't care.
The vast majority of leftist people on social media do not have the courage to behave that way in-person. Oh, there are those that do act that way all the time - mostly fringey types, especially at universities. I experienced that when I resided in your country. Or I should say I observed it.

There are people in the USA who want to make any display of anything Confederate a criminal offense with mandatory jail time.

Myself, personally, I think both the fringe extremist left and right are equally troublesome. Neither offers solutions to anything. All they really care about when it comes to it is fighting each other. As for the alt-left, they are leftist thugs in the EU that rove as gangs "hunting down" those they perceive to be fascists and NAZIs. Problem is they call innocent citizens who do not agree with their politics a fascist. They're just criminals and do not bring anything other than violence - which they get off on.
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Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
The vast majority of leftist people on social media do not have the courage to behave that way in-person. Oh, there are those that do act that way all the time - mostly fringey types, especially at universities. I experienced that when I resided in your country. Or I should say I observed it.

There are people in the USA who want to make any display of anything Confederate a criminal offense with mandatory jail time.

Myself, personally, I think both the fringe extremist left and right are equally troublesome. Neither offers solutions to anything. All they really care about when it comes to it is fighting each other. As for the alt-left, they are leftist thugs in the EU that rove as gangs "hunting down" those they perceive to be fascists and NAZIs. Problem is they call innocent citizens who do not agree with their politics a fascist. They're just criminals and do not bring anything other than violence - which they get off on.
That is a fact. I'm very right of center but there are people further right than me who are, frankly, in my opinion, borderline insane. I haven't seen the extreme left on GAB, but that's understandable since they cannot enforce censorship by ranting and raving there. There are liberals, but they're normal, not howling lunatics.
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ForgottenSeer 98186

I'm very right of center
Society should offer free healthcare and education. Those systems should be reliable, financially robust and offer high quality. This is not a right or left politics thing. It is a matter of national strategy. One can also argue a matter of national security. You would think that people in power would understand this. Just look at how the US reacted to Sputnik. It created very strong education at the public level, among so many other initiatives that strategically and purposefully benefitted American citizens so as to face the external threats. When it comes down to it, when the shite hits the fan and creates a national crisis, you have to rely upon fellow citizens that you dislike for whatever reasons. So excluding them in various ways does not help a nation in times of crises.

I am against money in politics and against government waste. Two things that all western societies are terrible at. This is also not a right or left politics thing.

Government is supposed to be all about solving societal issues, yet I do not know a single government that any reasonable person would rate as exceptionally good at it. All that matters in judging society are the delivery of very effective solutions to problems that serve the needs of the many - and not just the few. Again, not a right or left politics thing. (I've been called a dumb centrist, a fascist, and 'a deviant' for my views.)

Too many people. Too many agendas. No willingness to pursue solutions, let alone compromise to create solutions. The world: scrooood.
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Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
Society should offer free healthcare and education.

I am against money in politics and against government waste. Two things that all western societies are terrible at. This is also not a right or left politics thing.

Government is supposed to be all about solving societal issues, yet I do not know a single government that any reasonable person would rate as exceptionally good at it. All that matters in judging society are the delivery of very effective solutions to problems that serve the needs of the many - and not just the few. Again, not a right or left politics thing. (I've been called a dumb centrist, a fascist, and 'a deviant' for my views.)

Too many people. Too many agendas. No willingness to pursue solutions, let alone compromise to create solutions. The world: scrooood.
I disagree about healthcare and education. Those are not 'rights.' They're desirable, but it isn't fo rme or anybody else to pay for your healthcare or education via our tax dollars. If you took out a loan for higher education, it is your responsibility, not mine, to repay it. I paid mine. Everyone I know paid off their college or trade school loans. Today's 'entitled' generation seems to want it all for free. It's time for them to take responsibility for what they create.

The United States govt has only 3 or 4 duties, per the Constitution. Dealing with societal issues isn't one of them. Those are issues that ought to be left to the states. Society and its issues is not one size fits all. What works for a tree hugging, greenie, vegetarian, tofu eating transgender in Callifornia will not work for a lumberjack in Maine.

ForgottenSeer 98186

The United States govt has only 3 or 4 duties, per the Constitution. Dealing with societal issues isn't one of them.
Creating solutions to problems for the greater good is the very reason that governments exist - no matter at what level it is done.

I disagree about healthcare and education. Those are not 'rights.' They're desirable, but it isn't for me or anybody else to pay for your healthcare or education via our tax dollars. If you took out a loan for higher education, it is your responsibility, not mine, to repay it. I paid mine. Everyone I know paid off their college or trade school loans. Today's 'entitled' generation seems to want it all for free.
I am not bashing the USA. I'm merely pointing out the differences that I experienced while living there versus my experiences living in other countries.

The US is the exception in regards to healthcare and education policies and economics.

I live in a nation where I only have to pay 40 euros per year to participate in the very high quality nationalized healthcare system. Education was completely free for me - for all in fact. Students do not need to take out any education loans here.

When I lived in the USA, my "take home" pay after benefits and tax deductions was always less, at the same gross pay level, than what it is here in Europe by a few hundred euros. So you Americans are paying much more, but receiving less for your dollars spent. The bottom line is that I was "richer" when living in, what you would call, a socialist country.

What works for a tree hugging, greenie, vegetarian, tofu eating transgender in Callifornia will not work for a lumberjack in Maine.
I understand your point of view. I agree that many with those ideologies are deliberately obnoxious, particularly on social media. "Culture wars" thingy.

I disagree about healthcare and education. Those are not 'rights.'
It depends upon what citizens want from their political & government systems.

As I said, too many people, too many agendas, no possibility of consensus, different sides not interested in solutions for the common good - but instead focusing only upon destroying their perceived enemies.


Level 9
Oct 22, 2018
The situation in America is clear. Of the 535 parasites posing as members of congress. easily 450 are corrupt to the core. They are their for themselves, and are only interested in hearing from the voters at election time. They are part of the Swamp that Trump exposed, encompass both parties, and they are corrupt to the core. I've said it repeatedly. As of now, America haa perhaps one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, and I don't see it changing without a revolution.

Regarding healthcare, education, etc. it's socialist, an ideology I and tens of millions of Americans oppose for the very reason I mentioned above. Here in the USA, you have a Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. PURSUIT of happiness, not the guarantee of same. Nothing is guaranteed us on this earth but our mortality and thus eventual end.
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