- Jul 25, 2020
- 117
LOL... you're gonna link what Steve Balmer said... the guy who also said that Linux is a cancer and he would do anything to crush it. So you do realize that Microsoft, under Steve Balmer, waged a decade-long war to destroy Linux, right ?They have been, as it helps them maintain a large market share. The following article explains it well.
Yes, Chinese Piracy Has Lost Microsoft a Lot of Windows Revenue. But the Story Isn't So Simple
Yes, Chinese Piracy Has Lost Microsoft a Lot of Windows Revenue. But the Story Isn't So Simplefinance.yahoo.com
Don't let your hatred of piracy get in the way of facts.
If Microsoft is so OK with piracy, then you'll have to explain why it either assists in the prosecution and\or shuts down literally tens of thousands of its OS pirates every year ? In fact, in one case, they went after a single individual and helped the authorities a life-sentence case against him. Not once, but three times Microsoft has gone after this individual - and this is only a single case out of thousands:
Microsoft sues repeat software pirate who owes company $1.2M from prior case | Computerworld
Now, within the past 2 years, Microsoft has embraced Linux because it knows it can make hundreds of billions by monetizing Linux - which it is in the process of finding new and creative ways of making money from the Linux platform.