I never said that any AV have 100% protection. I never said that and I think
@Local Host was understood what I've told here.
If I said that any AV protects you at 100% against all bypass please quote me to be ashamed and humiliated. I guarantee you won't find it saying by me.
"Windows Defender doesnt just use signatures anymore and people are more aware than ever on how to avoid malware"
Yes, sure.. How not laugh with this kind of argument? I can have know-how about that, but I can share my computer with my family and what? They will need to have know-how about what I have? They will be forced to use a VM? They will be forced to analyze a Malware or check which activity it does on our computer? Guess what? Surprise!! NO and NO.
The Windows Defender can still be bypassed easily even with hardening or not, the question here is the method of bypass that's it. You can hardening it at all.
But exploits and vulnerabilities still there, until Microsoft patches it. Until that Malware, Trojans, Keyloggers will still using what is available methods to penetrate WD.
Need to draw? I didn't say that WD is not enough. Certainly is not enough at all. But does the work, not the best or medium but it really does.
But the question and my posts are about HOW EASY is TO BYPASS WD? Is Easy that is my point.
A Simple resuming for you and for everyone here who are "giving smiles in my posts", first you can give smiles or laugh I don't care. I know the black market, I know where the people looks to hacking someone or learning how to do it, I know where is published that things for WD, specially Crypters the first one that is always bypassed easily is Windows Defender wihtout any doubt, if you wrote a commentary in that thread they will say "Is necessary to answer you about WD bypass moron?" that is the answer he gives to anyone that asks for that. With a laugh hardly behind the computer.
1. Kaspersky can be bypassed? Yes. ----> How hard it is for a Skiddie, Low Skilled Hacker, Trollers -----> Not easy my friend, good luck it will give you a headache.
2. BitDefender can be bypassed? Yes ---> Headache, hardly to do it without good or medium skills or paying for it (skids)
3. GData, Emisosoft, ESET can be bypassed? Yes ---> Headache, hardly to do it without good or medium skills or paying for it (skids)
4. All others AV (without WD) can by bypassed? Yes -> Headache, hardly to do it without good or medium skills or paying for it (skids)
**Please McAffee can't enter in this list because is drinking his beautiful coffee everyday of the day and the year, he remains in silent mode.
Should we consider McAffee as antivirus? Well, I consider it a rubbish software installed here wasting my disk space.
Windows Defender can be bypassed? Yes ----> How hard is for any people with bad intentions to it ----------> Easy -------> Why? -------> A lot of public information how to do that, because is the default protection of the system obviously will get attraction, methods and other things. -------> But I will hardening ----> Ohhh darling, you can even Hardening but if they still using a good public or private method they can still bypass you ----------->
But... but... but... WD is not to defend against hackers --------> Who does malware? trojans? Keyloggers? Software to spy? Then if is not to protect against virus with bad intentions, let them run in your computer lool if there is no hackers behind a malware / virus why you don't let them running in background instead hardening? (THIS IS TO LAUGH who told that...

) Even a simple Potentially Unwanted Application which collects, gathering data, mining can bypass and WD doesn't identify it mostly times ---> Ohhhh, what I should do? --------> Be skilled, Smart and use your brain to protect yourself, if you have family there install any other AV with more possibilities to block it or install Linux (yes, please don't come with the argument linux can be infected, I know, but the probability is <10%
Most of AV can be bypassed, but most will give a headache for skiddies and hackers which uses public crypters will be more hard to penetrate or hacking someone instead using a Basic WD "hardening" but still possible bypassing with UAC permissions or Kernel / ring0. Not to laugh seriously.
Typical Argument for who doesn't have properly answer. What we should do?
Go and stay there.
Yes you are right, that's because Youtubers with lot of Skins in CS GO, Money aren't hacked or targeted to be... Famous youtuber never will be hacked, trust in me.
They know probably how to edit videos, how to do videos, how to upload videos, how to install Premier or Sony Vegas, but they let WD does his job. Then in some day they are hacked any they don't know how, probably a USB from a friend to spread? Who knows, who knows..
Even people without being famous, with lot of games, items p2c in games and items with higher values in a lot of games out there, isn't a target, trust me. Anyone who have high and good inventory in games always will be targeted, guess what? It never happened and won't happen.
Still trusting in that, you are completely fine.
I will changelling OP or anyone here with Assembly and Skills with C++ any other programming.
1. Identify which games uses NProtect GameGuard, PunkBuster and BattleEye, EasyAntiCheat then try to guess who will give you headaches. I know the answers, but I will left it to you. "But AV doesn't and can't be compared, yes you are right this is because Kaspersky joined that with Kaspersky anti-cheat, who have more skills to do a good anticheat ? AV.
If you bypass any GameGuard Game, PunkBuster make a video then try to bypass BattleEye, EasyAnti-Cheat and compare the time, the efforts to do it.
You can do it with bots. Let me know how much time you will to do it for each single one.