Don’t Fall For The Temu Mystery Box Scam – What to Watch For

Temu has become an extremely popular ecommerce site for scoring amazing deals on everything from electronics to home goods. However, scammers are now taking advantage of Temu’s popularity by running Facebook, Instagram and TikTok ads promising users a free Temu mystery box or prize. These ads and websites are a complete scam designed to dupe users into signing up for unwanted subscriptions and services. Here’s what you need to know about this subscription scam.

Overview of the Temu Mystery Box Scam

A growing scam sweeping Facebook, Instagram and TikTok promises users the chance to win free Temu mystery boxes and prizes. Scammers are running fake ads and creating imitation websites pretending to be Temu. The scam starts by directing users to fill out a survey to claim their “prize”, then tricks them into signing up for unwanted subscriptions and services.

This subscription scam works by baiting users with the lure of free mystery boxes and other prizes “from Temu”. However, Temu is not actually affiliated with these ads or offers in any way. The ads are completely fabricated by scammers to collect user data and credit card information under false pretenses.

Here’s a step-by-step look at how the Temu mystery box subscription scam operates:

  • Scam Ads Promising Free Boxes – Internet users may come across ads on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok promising a chance to win a free Temu mystery box. The ads claim that users can win high-value prizes like tech gadgets and gift cards simply by taking a short survey.
  • Too Good to Be True Offers – A common red flag is the ads offer extravagant prizes like $500 mystery boxes in exchange for filling out a basic questionnaire. These too good to be true offers are designed to attract unsuspecting users.
  • Links to Fake Websites – When users click the link in the ads, they are taken to imitation Temu websites that look convincing but are entirely fake. These scam sites will display the Temu logo and branding to appear official.
  • Phishing Survey Trick – On the fake Temu website, users are prompted to take a survey to claim their mystery box or prize. This questionnaire asks for personal information and contact details, which the scammers harvest.
  • Pay Small Shipping Fee – After taking the survey, users are instructed they must pay a small shipping fee of around $1 to $2 to receive their mystery box. This gets the credit card information the scammers truly want.
  • Slammed With Recurring Charges – Once users provide their payment information, they start seeing recurring subscription charges from the scammers. These unauthorized subscriptions can rack up hundreds in fees.
  • No Prize Is Sent – At the end of the scam, users never receive any mystery box, gift card or other prize as promised. The entire operation was a phishing attempt to acquire personal data and credit card numbers under false pretenses.

These Temu mystery box scams prey on users’ desire to get valuable items for free. In reality, it is a deceptive ploy to steal money and personal information. Being able to recognize the red flags of this subscription scam can help social media users avoid being duped by these fake offers.

Scam Ads Found on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok

The scam Temu ads found on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok often say things like:

  • “After a recent lawsuit, Temu is handing out one mystery box to US families. Answer 3 questions to receive yours.”
  • “Due to a warehouse accident, Temu is getting rid of excess inventory in the form of mystery boxes. Click below to claim yours now before they’re gone!”
  • “To celebrate the launch of Temu, they’re giving away mystery boxes worth over $500 to the first 500 families who enter. Click here to claim yours!”
  • “Congrats! You’ve been selected as a winner for Temu’s giveaway. Claim your mystery box now before time runs out!”

The ads use fake contests, giveaways and lawsuits as a pretext to convince users to click and take a survey to win a mystery box. Of course, these ads are completely fabricated with the intent to scam users out of money.

How the Temu Mystery Box Scam Works

The Temu mystery box scam is quite devious in how it works to dupe unsuspecting users. Here is a step-by-step look at how the scam operates:

Step 1: Scam Ads on Social Media

The scam starts with false advertisements run on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. The ads pretend to be from Temu and claim users can win a free mystery box by taking a survey.

The ads look authentic and convince users to click on the link to claim their prize. But the link goes to a fake website controlled by scammers.

Step 2: Fake Temu Website

After clicking the link in the ads, users are taken to sites pretending to be the official Temu website. The scam sites often use a URL close to Temu’s actual site, with slight misspellings or variations to seem real.

The fake site mirrors the look and feel of the real Temu site. This tricks users into believing they are on the legit Temu website.

Step 3: Survey to Win Mystery Box

On the fake Temu website, users are prompted to take a short survey to receive the promised mystery box or prize.

The survey asks for personal information including name, address, phone number and email. The scammers capture this data to use for identity theft purposes.

After completing the survey, users are congratulated and told they will receive a mystery box. But of course, no prize is actually sent.

Step 4: Pay Small Shipping Fee

After completing the survey, users are told they must pay a small shipping fee of around $1-$2 to receive their mystery box or prize.

This is where the scam really begins. The scammers need users’ credit card information to charge the small shipping fee.

Many users comply at this point because they believe they are moments away from receiving their promised Temu mystery box.

Step 5: Hidden Recurring Subscriptions

Once users enter their credit card information to pay the $1-$2 shipping fee, the scammers have exactly what they wanted.

Within minutes or hours, users see additional charges from the scammers on their credit cards. These charges can range from $10 up to $300 or more and recur each month.

The charges are for unwanted subscriptions the scammers secretly enrolled users into, after capturing their credit card information. This includes subscriptions for products like:

  • Fitness programs
  • Beauty boxes
  • Meal plans
  • Ebooks
  • Horoscopes
  • Product rebate programs

Email and SMS spam are also common tactics used to promote and enroll users into the unwanted subscriptions.

Step 6: No Mystery Box Arrives

After completing the survey, paying the shipping fee and getting hit with the recurring subscription charges, users soon realize no mystery box or prize is coming.

At this point, the users realize they have been scammed out of their personal information and money through the false promises.

But it is very difficult to cancel the recurring subscription charges and get money refunded once the scammers have your payment information.

This is how the sophisticated Temu mystery box scam works to deceive social media users and profit off of false promises. Spreading awareness can help prevent people from falling for this subscription scam.

How to Identify the Scam Websites

An integral part of the Temu mystery box scam involves fake websites that mimic the real Temu site. Here are some tips to spot these fraudulent sites:

  • Inspect the URL carefully. Scam sites often use misspellings like “Teeemu” or “Temuu” or completely unrelated URLs.
  • Look for grammatical errors, typos and awkward phrasing. Scam sites often have broken English and mistakes.
  • Compare to the real Temu site. Scam sites will look similar but have minor differences. Note any deviations in branding, fonts, colors and page layout.
  • See if contact details match Temu’s real site. Scam sites generally have invalid physical addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Evaluate the overall quality and design. Scam sites tend to be lower-quality replicas whereas the real Temu site is polished and professional.
  • Check for a secure connection. Legitimate sites use HTTPS and have a lock icon. Scam sites frequently have just HTTP with no security certificate.
  • Try to find a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service or About Us page. Scam sites rarely have detailed policies or company information.
  • See if the site asks for unnecessary personal information. Temu’s real site would never demand sensitive data just to use the site.
  • Check how the site handles payments. Scam sites typically only accept prepaid gift cards which the real Temu site would never do.
  • Search for online reviews and complaints. Scam sites won’t have reviews but Temu’s real website will have numerous legitimate customer reviews.

Trust your instincts if a site feels fake. Never enter personal or payment information on questionable websites. Double check URLs and critically evaluate all details to avoid landing on scam sites impersonating Temu.

Some examples of fake URLS:


With vigilance, you can identify scam websites pretending to be Temu and steer clear of providing the scammers with any of your information.

How to Spot the Temu Mystery Box Scam on Facebook

The Temu mystery box scam ads are frequently found on Facebook. Here are some tips to identify and avoid this Facebook scam:

  • Be suspicious of Facebook ads that promise free mystery boxes, prizes or gift cards from Temu. Temu does not run contests or giveaways on Facebook.
  • Look closely at the ad imagery. Scam ads often use fake Temu branding and stock photos of mystery boxes. This is a red flag.
  • Read the ad copy. Phrases like “After a lawsuit, Temu is giving away…” or “Claim your free mystery box…” signal a scam. Temu would not use this type of messaging.
  • Check the Page running the ad. Scam ads come from fake Pages pretending to be Temu. The Page names often have variations like “Teeemu” or “Temuu” or appear unrelated.
  • Click the ad link. Scam links will go to shady URLs unrelated to Temu’s website. Seeing a Redirecting message also indicates a scam.
  • If asked to take a survey and provide personal data, it’s a scam. Temu does not run surveys on Facebook to give away prizes.
  • Be wary of too good to be true offers. Temu does not give away high-value mystery boxes for free on Facebook. If it seems fake, it is.

Follow these tips to detect and avoid the Temu Facebook mystery box scam. Legitimate brands like Temu do not use deceptive ads, contests or surveys to lure users. Stay vigilant against scams on Facebook.

How to Spot the Temu Mystery Box Scam on Instagram

Similar to Facebook, Instagram is plagued with Temu mystery box scam ads. Here are tips for spotting the Instagram version of this scam:

  • Be skeptical of Instagram ads for Temu mystery boxes or prizes, especially from accounts you don’t follow. Temu does not run these types of promotions.
  • Look for use of scammy phrases like “Click here to claim your free box!” or “Congrats, you were selected to win a $500 Temu box!” This signals a scam.
  • Check the account running the ad. Scammers make fake accounts with slight variations of the @teemu username. Make sure it’s the verified @teemu.official account.
  • Tap the ad link and look for shady URLs or redirects. Legit links would go to Temu’s real website, not unrelated scammy sites.
  • Beware ads that say you must complete a survey or provide personal information. Temu does not collect data in exchange for free mystery boxes.
  • Watch for too good to be true offers in Instagram Stories as well as feed posts. For example, a scammy Story might say “Swipe up to claim this $700 Temu mystery box. Limited boxes available!”

Use healthy skepticism when assessing Instagram ads about free Temu mystery boxes. If anything seems suspicious, it’s likely a scam attempting to lure in victims. Avoid tapping on questionable links or providing personal information.

How to Spot the Temu Mystery Box Scam on TikTok

On TikTok, the Temu mystery box scam takes the form of fake ads and videos. Here’s how to detect this scam on TikTok:

  • Be wary of TikTok ads promising you won a free Temu mystery box or gift card. Temu is not giving away prizes on TikTok.
  • Look for scammy video captions like “Click the link in my bio to claim your limited edition Temu box!” Any mention of prizes in exchange for clicking a link signals a scam.
  • Check the upload source if it’s a video. Videos promoting free Temu boxes come from fake accounts, not the official @teemu account.
  • Inspect the profile of the video creator or ad sponsor. Scammers often create accounts with profile pictures and bios pretending to be Temu.
  • Tap any links with caution. Scam links will redirect you away from Temu’s actual website to sketchy survey sites to steal your personal information.
  • Be extra wary of too good to be true offers like winning a $1000 mystery box. Temu would not give away high-dollar prizes on TikTok to random users.

Apply skepticism when you see TikTok ads, videos or captions offering free Temu mystery boxes. Double check legitimacy before clicking suspicious links or handing over any of your personal data. Stay vigilant against scams on TikTok.

What to Do If You Fall Victim to the Scam

If you unfortunately fell victim to the Temu mystery box scam, here are some important steps to take right away:

Step 1: Contact Your Bank

Immediately contact your bank or credit card company and explain you have been scammed. Request to cancel any recurring subscription charges from the scammers.

Also ask your bank to reverse any unauthorized charges related to the scam and issue a new card number. Acting quickly can limit the damage and prevent future charges.

Step 2: Call and Dispute the Charges

Review your credit card statement for any charges from unfamiliar companies. Call each company that processed an unauthorized charge to dispute it.

Explain that you did not sign up for any subscription services and the charges are fraudulent. Request for a refund of any unauthorized charges.

Step 3: Watch for Spam Emails and Texts

Scammers will often send spam emails and texts to promote the subscriptions they signed you up for. Do not click on any links in these messages.

Instead, mark them as spam or junk. Filter emails from unfamiliar addresses to your junk folder.

Step 4: Cancel Compromised Accounts

If you entered your login credentials for any accounts into the fake Temu site, change your password immediately.

Scammers may have captured your email and password to compromise accounts. Enable two-factor authentication wherever possible.

Step 5: Submit Complaints

File complaints with the FTC, state attorney general, and BBB explaining you were the victim of a subscription scam.

Also submit complaints via email to the companies that processed the fraudulent charges. The more complaints that are filed, the greater the chances of catching the scammers.

Step 6: Remove Payment Methods

Remove any credit cards or payment methods that were compromised by the scammers to prevent future unwanted charges. Keep a close eye on your statements.

Taking these steps quickly can help minimize the damage from the Temu mystery box scam. But prevention is the best way to avoid these scams completely.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Temu Mystery Box Scam

The Temu mystery box scam raising alarms online has left many with pressing questions. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about this scam.

What exactly is the Temu mystery box scam?

This scam involves false social media ads promising users a free mystery box from Temu. The ads tell users to complete a survey to claim their box. However, it is a ploy to obtain personal information and credit card details to enroll victims into unwanted subscription plans. No free mystery box is ever provided.

What platforms are the scam ads found on?

The Temu mystery box scam ads are predominantly found on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Scammers create fake accounts and pay for sponsored posts to promote the scam offer.

What techniques are used in the scam ads?

The ads use manipulative language about limited-time contests, special giveaways, excess inventory and warehouse mishaps to promote the false offers. They trick users into believing Temu is handing out free mystery boxes if they complete a survey.

What happens when you click the link in the ads?

The links lead to fake websites dressed up to look like Temu’s real site. Users are prompted to take a short survey for a chance to win a mystery box, which captures personal data.

Is Temu actually giving away free mystery boxes?

No, this is a complete scam. Temu is not handing out free mystery boxes or running special contests to give away high-value prizes to online users.

What personal information do the scammers obtain?

The survey gathers contact details, names, home addresses, phone numbers and emails. This data is valuable to scammers for identity theft and resale on the dark web.

What credit card details do the scammers capture?

After the survey, users must pay a small $1-$2 shipping fee to get their “free” box. This captures full credit card information such as card numbers, CSV codes and billing addresses.

What happens after users enter credit card information?

Scammers use the credit card details to sign up victims for expensive recurring monthly subscriptions without consent. Charges of $50 to $300+ appear on credit cards.

How can you avoid falling for this scam?

Use healthy skepticism when seeing offers online that seem too good to be true. Check site legitimacy, inspect URLs, and verify the source of all ads. Avoid entering personal or payment data on questionable sites.

What should you do if you fell victim to the scam?

Immediately contact your bank to halt payments and dispute fraudulent charges. Change any compromised account passwords, cancel credit cards and file complaints with the FTC, state attorney general and BBB. Monitor statements closely for further suspicious charges.

Can users get money back if they fell for the scam?

It is difficult but possible. The faster you report unauthorized charges, the better chances of reversing the payments. Persistently disputing charges and complaining to authorities also helps recover lost money in some cases.

Stay vigilant against online scams by double checking all offers and websites before providing personal information or credit card details. If an offer looks suspicious, it likely is. Trust your instincts to avoid falling victim.

The Bottom Line on the Temu Mystery Box Scam

The Temu mystery box scam sweeping social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok serves as a harsh reminder to always be vigilant against online scams. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Scammers are running fake ads impersonating Temu and promising users a free mystery box. Do not trust any offer that seems too good to be true.
  • The ads lead to fake websites pretending to be Temu. Use caution when clicking links and providing personal information.
  • After taking a survey, users must pay a small shipping fee to get the mystery box. This allows scammers to capture credit card information and enroll users into unwanted subscriptions.
  • Once scammers have your payment information, victims see recurring hidden charges of $10 to $300+ per month.
  • No mystery box or other prizes are ever shipped out. The entire operation is a scam to steal money through subscriptions.
  • If you fell victim, act immediately to stop payments, cancel cards, dispute charges, change account passwords, and file complaints. Prevention is the best way to avoid the scam.

This Temu mystery box subscription scam shows how easy it can be to get fooled by scammers online. Avoid falling into this trap by being wary of unsolicited offers and verifying legitimacy before providing any personal or payment information. If an offer looks suspicious, it likely is. Trust your instincts to steer clear of scams.

How to Stay Safe Online

Here are 10 basic security tips to help you avoid malware and protect your device:

  1. Use a good antivirus and keep it up-to-date.

    Shield Guide

    It's essential to use a good quality antivirus and keep it up-to-date to stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. We are huge fans of Malwarebytes Premium and use it on all of our devices, including Windows and Mac computers as well as our mobile devices. Malwarebytes sits beside your traditional antivirus, filling in any gaps in its defenses, and providing extra protection against sneakier security threats.

  2. Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.


    Keep your operating system and apps up to date. Whenever an update is released for your device, download and install it right away. These updates often include security fixes, vulnerability patches, and other necessary maintenance.

  3. Be careful when installing programs and apps.

    install guide

    Pay close attention to installation screens and license agreements when installing software. Custom or advanced installation options will often disclose any third-party software that is also being installed. Take great care in every stage of the process and make sure you know what it is you're agreeing to before you click "Next."

  4. Install an ad blocker.

    Ad Blocker

    Use a browser-based content blocker, like AdGuard. Content blockers help stop malicious ads, Trojans, phishing, and other undesirable content that an antivirus product alone may not stop.

  5. Be careful what you download.

    Trojan Horse

    A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather.

  6. Be alert for people trying to trick you.

    warning sign

    Whether it's your email, phone, messenger, or other applications, always be alert and on guard for someone trying to trick you into clicking on links or replying to messages. Remember that it's easy to spoof phone numbers, so a familiar name or number doesn't make messages more trustworthy.

  7. Back up your data.

    backup sign

    Back up your data frequently and check that your backup data can be restored. You can do this manually on an external HDD/USB stick, or automatically using backup software. This is also the best way to counter ransomware. Never connect the backup drive to a computer if you suspect that the computer is infected with malware.

  8. Choose strong passwords.

    lock sign

    Use strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. Avoid using personal information or easily guessable words in your passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts whenever possible.

  9. Be careful where you click.

    cursor sign

    Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These could potentially contain malware or phishing scams.

  10. Don't use pirated software.

    Shady Guide

    Avoid using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs, keygens, cracks, and other pirated software that can often compromise your data, privacy, or both.

To avoid potential dangers on the internet, it's important to follow these 10 basic safety rules. By doing so, you can protect yourself from many of the unpleasant surprises that can arise when using the web.

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