- Apr 24, 2023
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Hello i come desprete and tired. 14 days ago i woke up in the middle of the night to see my laptop on and an odd message box saying it was from lenovo and that my lap top was hacked. It also said chick this button to give us admin rights to fix it. i knew somthing was up because it said this is legitimate at the bottom so i quickly shut down my laptop. The next day i see my google account password was changed. i got it recoverd but it quickly became a rush between my mail.com acc. and google. acc. changing passwords. eventuly i thought i had won but boy was i wrong. next morning my phone started acting up. I wasent getteng all of my text or calls. the pin to get in would change on its own. I called my sevice provider and they walked me through a hard reset to no avail. To make a long story shor the phone sits off in a dresser drawer. I put a new hard drive in my laptop. changed to widows 11. sigend up for sophos for my anti malware and virus defence. Im just going to list my known problems now before this gets to long.
something logs my key strokes
someone has almost full control of my laptop
the also got control of my phone
I think they have the router too because i dont really get a choicee wheen im able to connect
any defence programs dont recignize there is something wrong
my fire wall rules change on there own
my blu tooth starts on its own on all my devices
realteck audio is definitly not that. it controls networks now.
Ive tried many things. new hard drive, 1000 messages to lenovo and microsoft, and reistaling windows multiple times. I found this farbar recovery tool. i got the scaning part down but i cant find a good set of instructions to make a fix list. I made one but im afraid to use it and kill my laptop. well thats about all i can think of, if theres any help out there it would be welcomed with opeen arms. thanks.
something logs my key strokes
someone has almost full control of my laptop
the also got control of my phone
I think they have the router too because i dont really get a choicee wheen im able to connect
any defence programs dont recignize there is something wrong
my fire wall rules change on there own
my blu tooth starts on its own on all my devices
realteck audio is definitly not that. it controls networks now.
Ive tried many things. new hard drive, 1000 messages to lenovo and microsoft, and reistaling windows multiple times. I found this farbar recovery tool. i got the scaning part down but i cant find a good set of instructions to make a fix list. I made one but im afraid to use it and kill my laptop. well thats about all i can think of, if theres any help out there it would be welcomed with opeen arms. thanks.