yes. disbale transient caching
- disable sound alert. it's annoying
- uncheck 2 boxes in privacy tab
- open quickscan and fullscan config, make sure [...persistent caching...] (I forgot) is checked. then perform a quickscan then it's done. if fullscan box is already checked, you can skip this because you did a fullscan
- moderate hardened mode may cause a lot of false positives. some users suggest to use aggressive, which has less FPs and safer
- reduce avast notification (the 1st one after the one grayed out) to 5s so you may feel less annoyed about avast promotions or something about the company
- (uncheck scan for rootkit on startup) - not recommended but may speed up boot speed if you have to
perhaps there is something I missed because I don't have avast in my main laptop. I install avast on friends and family members' PCs. I wrote these from memory
hope you enjoy avast
edit: sorry deepscan = fullscan. I always mess them up