Some consider this post a little late to the party, some other people would say "it's never too late", so here we go:
I set up an account at about 2 years ago. I think it was even possible to register on the website, without the app (never had the app), though I can't remember.
I didn't use it for a long time.
Now, I searched for it on and and didn't find anything directly related to FireDrop, but found this thread instead, so wanted to share my story.
Right after registering, I got 15GB [or was it 5GB only? (not even close to the 100GB I read everywhere now)] and used part of it through a Desktop app. All worked fine, it never seemed suspicious in any way and worked great. The thing that became bad over time is that some of my files are apparently gone, as the service is apparently gone. I did neither receive an e-mail, nor did I get a notice in any other way.
Hope my little story regarding this cloud storage service helps.