I think at some point, we have to accept that fans of forums like this one are excessive for protection.
I still prefer a very limited setup of VoodooShield + either Sandboxie or ShadowDefender. (Sandboxie is less hassle as app/windows updates will be received & retained on boot)
Good points!
I agree that security forums in general sometimes create fear and paranoia to the point that people have excessive setups. It's very understandable, especially when you hear/read whats going on around the world when it comes to security. While it seems simple enough, it does take people time to come around. I think we've all been there at some point, including myself, but I have to say that my setup now is far more simple than it use to be. I kinda of see it as a journey we all go on.
I also feel that it's not helped by the fact that security companies in general feed into this fear and paranoia. They tend to make everything sound all doom and gloom, when in fact it's not. Your not going to get infected by simply turning on your computer.
Less is more and more is not always better.
I love the idea of very limited security setup. BUT.....
Defender is slow on my PC compared to 3rd party.
Also I would us Voodoo but it slowed my applications , just slightly, and I don't recall what sandboxie and shadow defender did, but since I never used them again after trying them, I guess I wasn't impressed, even though the protection might have been steller.
Keep in mind that simple doesn't mean you have to use WD. It's come along ways on the protection front, yes, but it's not perfect. A lot of people don't like it because of the performance impact it can bring. It seems to be system dependent and also depends on your overall usage. In saying this there are tons of great programs out there, you have to just find the one that you like and meets your needs the most.
A simple setup could be just running something like KIS and nothing else. A simple setup really is about only using only the programs that you need and nothing else. It's about realizing that piling on and overlapping protections won't make you more secure, but rather make it even less secure.
Whether you use the built in protections within Windows, or you use a 3rd party program, always remember that less is more.