Ok here is my opinion... First of all I would never say which software is better than others and so on. I believe each person is interested in some specific features based on the region that he or she is living and hence, he or she goes for a specific brand. I am living in DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and Avira is a very good option. Although I do not use windows and my main Machine has always been FreeBSD or Linux... (Don't bit me I am using CLAMAV

So... Avira.... Avira in the last years have been really good in developing and maintaining the back-end of their software. Great signatures and so on. BUT like man other German companies , they are more than horrible in marketing. That is where bloatware comes up... or bad decisions in Endpoint security and so on and so on. Their marketing has been so bad that it completely destroyed their reputation and fame. As an official reseller of Avira I have to say ... they are horrible in supporting resellers. They put limitations and tell you that you can not sell here and there and so on. It is another horrible marketing act.
But none of these are the reason which they sold the company. Because still there are many customers who buy Avira and they are considerable number of customers so Avira would never be in a bad financial position (at least for now).
So what is the reason?!? The main reason is Quantum Computing and future of the security. Yes, Avira is in a good situation right now but quantum computers are coming with new threads which Avira with their current capacity can not afford investment in this area. In upcoming years many small to medium sized security companies will be whether closed or acquired by the larger ones. The future of the security will be different and almost all security companies will need to go with quantum servers to be able to provide the security in that level and in addition now developers are discussing to add the security level to the operators level. Meaning the antivirus will be provided by the Mobile/Internet providers as a service with your internet connection or mobile contract.
In my opinion Avira has made a great move to survive, in addition at least until Avira is covered by the German law, they will not be able to do what companies such as Avast did. Because they CAN NOT. Yes, it they move Avira completely to Bahrain (where the InvestCorp is located) or an another company like Russia... Maybe.
I believe apart from all the negative points that Avira has, it is a really good antivirus and it provides a high level of security.
If someone would like the none-bloatware version just let me know and I will give you the AVP version without all the none-sense.
Stay safe