Tell me all about that. Just when I had thought a brand new Honor 5X was never going to see daylight again then finally it got updated and now is better than ever.
It had a horrible Core bug that used all four cores all the time instead of one at idle and that was a battery drainer for sure.
Simple enough to drill down into it and make a change but every reset it restored the default along with that bug.
Man I was so thrilled for the new update which included the fix for that issue.
Well, mod rate success and quality is different for every OEM phone.
Mediatek based mods can give issues as platform is closed source (so mods are not well tested, often).
Same I guess for samsung exynos based.
Usually, qualcomm/snapdragon, are used in modding.
The start point is always XDA section for the phone owned.
* Wait for warranty end and/or android version too legacy (I won't mod phones which still receive over the air updates).
* Place a custom recovery on phone (for original rom/kernel backup)
* For some phones - like Sony - is need to backup also the DRM/TA partition, or the OEM data are lost forever when the bootloader is unlocked: worst camera and some OEM app won't work without them.
* Unlocking bootloader (easy or hard according the OEM)
* Choose a rom newer than the stock one; better if it based on AOSP or on the OEM. Heavily tweaked ROM are usually not good.
* Choose a good kernel; usually a custom rom go better with a kernel; often a custom kernel on stock ROM is nice too - and this reduce crash (well, it crashes if play with overclock)
* Gapps Pico pack (optional: brings only the google services core)
* Wipe from custom recovery, flash and reboot.
* Root and/or install a superSU app (to handle root permissions). If not already present in rom.
Of course, now the android phones are better, so it's not necessary as it was in 2.3.6 era

On a secondary phone, or a bad working phone, is still nice to do ^^
If phone works fine, I'll wait to do it.
Soft bricks are not common, but can happen.
So always have the .img of the original OS

Hard bricks are rare, but still again, can happen.