Could you please explain the privacy issues with chrome.?
This data mining paranoia seems to be never ending.
Can you be 100% where your data is sent in other browsers.?
Google Browser (trough google search and apps) and Internet Explorer (trough Windows OS and Bing search) transmit virtually everything you do both online and offline.
As the picture about google shows:
There is literally no debate possible on that matter as this is just the way it is and everyone knows it (If not wake up)
If privacy is a matter of concern to you then stay of the internet and move to the qwahibi tribe in South Africa because that is virtually the only place on earth where google cannot track your data. Really? to bad there is still a satellite passing by snapping pictures while you are practicing your rain dance moves during a ritual fire.
Other then that i could recommend Aviator browser which is a pretty secure browser and sends fake data to google (or any search engine for that matter) it works, its nice and its fast.
Back on topic, Firefox use to be fast but with extensions it bogs down, Chrome on the other hand i do hate, yet it works and works fast.
360 browser i am sure it works, but if privacy is a concern then you might as well stay with Google because 360 browser (Tencent) collects just as much data if not more and is not nearly as good as Firefox or Chrome for that matter)
Long story short, it does not matter if you pick Chrome, FF or Opera or even IE because these 4 browsers dominate anyway are fully developed and in terms of speed they really are a close match and virtually equal.
Ill just stay with my old Opera (presto engine) which is still their fastest engine to date.