@Kardo Kristal
First, thanks for this program. Unfortunately, while it seemed very promising, it has a couple issues, one of which has caused me to discontinue its use. The first, and smaller, problem, is that regardless of how I configured the settings, often when I would launch it, it would show the window saying it was launching in checkup mode. It should be able to be set to launch completely silently.
The bigger issue, though, is in the detection and handling of "threats." While running it alongside Windows Defender, VoodooShield, and OSArmor, I was installing and running programs, all completely legitimate and safe. Throughout this entire process, WD never acted on anything or showed any notifications, OSArmor did a fair amount at first but after the initial handful has been silent, VS has been the second-most active with blocking suspected threats, and CS has been the most active by far. During some installs and some executions of programs, VS would sometimes pop up once, or very occasionally twice, whereas CS would pop up several times (and I could swear some were repeats, though I'm not sure). So it seems to be overly sensitive, especially since I find VS to have a fairly high false positive rate, and yet it's nothing compared to CS.
But the real problem with all this is that on three separate occasions within the past couple hours, when I launched programs that triggered CS and clicked the message in CS's popup to restore the file, the file was restored as a 0-byte file, thereby completely killing the program and requiring a reinstall. So instead of properly quarantining the files and restoring them untouched, it's corrupting them in the process. And considering it did this to three programs, whereas it probably reacted to maybe five or six in that time frame, that's essentially a 50% or higher "kill rate" for programs it reacted to (and slightly >10% for all programs, since that was out of 28 I ran before exiting CS). I personally consider even a single instance of this unacceptable--which is why I've looked so hard for a replacement to WD, since it has a habit of doing this as well, perhaps more than any other program I've tested except for CS--so doing it this often makes this program absolutely unusable for me. So I'm really hopeful you can figure it out and fix it so this doesn't happen anymore.
For your reference, the programs it did this to were Audacious, DocFetcher, and CDex, all installed through chocolatey in case that matters. I'm sure there would have been more casualties if I kept going.